Is it that time again??!! Now i am going to do a bit of
complaining here, so just to warn ye all.
1.Retail/Player Information from your area: (Sales information, Tournament/Demo attendance, pertinent retail or design information from players or retailers, Rumors or store closing/opening info)
4 months already..geez, where does the time go to? I
mean, it seemed only yesterday that I was printing off the Cardassian and
Bajoran/Federation demodecks!
Trek 2E is still going
strong. April saw Ireland's first ever Trek Territorials (see more about that
below). The game is still doing very well here im Limerick although sales are
beginning to slow now, due to the fact that Energise is a mere 6 weeks away, so people are saving for that like
crazy. There have been a few new players, mainly young-uns who have grown tired of Yu-gi-oh. The
bonus of 2 foils per preordered box has gone down a storm here, and everyone
sees it as a great idea. I know 2 players who say they are preordering 4 boxes of product
each just to get the set of 9. This will no doubt bolster my tournament
attendance. There was one trek tournament, the
TOC which attracted 20 players.
LOTR is still doing well, and our
local shop has gotten in boxes from the fellowship block, which are selling
pretty well. LOTR night has been moved to a Thursday, and that whole day is now
LOTR day, where both the card game and board game are played. This will no doubt
bring some new players into the fold. The LoTR territorials held at The
Gathering had 8 players. I
couldn't believe that, even though the game has a good representation in
every major town and city in the country, that only 1 person from outside of
Limerick made the trip down (The Galway Rider). Such a shame because our rider
put alot of effort into advertising it. I know that coming from Dublin, Cork and
Galway for a day isn't that hard.
WWE Raw Deal is picking up again, mainly due to a new
organisational structure in our local play group. The new set, Velocity, is
selling very well. Many of us went
to Gencon to play, and
in order to stay competitive, we had to
get these cards. I will now be helping to organize a WWE night in combination
with the Trek Tuesday. Hopefully, I can get the game back to a time where
everyone played it! One tournament was held which
pulled 12 players.
Yu-Gi-Oh, to
my surprise is holding its numbers. It looked like alot of kids were losing
interest, but it seems that for every kid that quits the game, another one takes
his/her place! The shop is currently out of stock. Averages 20 per tournament (every Monday). Its sells
well but
L5R is
still the top card game in the shop and the prerelease attracted about 20
players from around the country. I would love
to start playing, primarily for the
storylines, but 2 games is enough
for me (Trek, WWE).
Magic still has a steady following, but during the
whole month, not one game of it was played, as far as I could see. I never see
it being demoed, its just the same regular players playing each other. Magic in
Ireland is played more on a national
level than at a local level.
Warcry has made it's debut, but
players are cautious about purchasing the game. The artwork is its outstanding
quality, according to people who have bought the few packets that have been
Warhammer isn't being played
or bought, and neither are any of the other kiddies games with the exception of
YGO. There is some WoTC game called
something, cant quite remember, anyway, that doesn't
On the table-top front, LOTR can't be kept in stock for more
than a few days, it is turning into a monster of a seller.
I see a few
players playing the clix games, but there does not appear to be a regular
tournament scene.
In terms of tournament numbers, L5R, Trek and Yu-Gi-Oh
are in the 15-20 bracket, followed by WWE (12) and LOTR (8).
2. What have you done "For Love
Of The Game" in the past month?: (demos, new
retailer contacts, new avenues explored, TD recruitment and
coordination, events held, tournaments
run)? How does that compare with
your plans from last month.
I have demoed the game every tuesday night and on Saturdays when needed. As alot of my goals are ongoing, all I can say is that i'm making good progress. As the number of players in the shop nears saturation point, i think its time to start venturing further afield.
Here is a list of my goals from last month along with how I fared with each one.
Next month sees the ST TOCS coming to Ireland for the first time, and there is alot of anticipation regarding this event. My goal is to have 16-24 players attend.
We had 20 players, which I thought was a good enough number. IF you want to read the report, it may be on DGMA soon enough (I hope!)
I am going to go into overdrive in the search for new players in time for the TOCS.
Of the 20 players that were there, 4 were new players.
On the demo front, I will resume my demoing duties of once a week (Tuesday nights).
Demoed every Tuesday night and the Saturday before the TOC.
Look at the possibility of running early morning trek tourneys on Saturday mornings once a month (3 rounds).
All things going well, these tournaments should be up and running after the energize pre-release. Saturday mornings is usually taken by WWE Raw Deal, but as raw deal gets more popular, it will take a sunday berth, which wil free up a Sat morning.
I also want to begin planning for some sort of league night for the summer.
The league night plans
are going very well indeed and I am ironing out a few of the finer points.
We are scheduled to begin on the 10th June. About 80% complete.
I am still trying to fing someone who will become a TD for the game. Once I have, I can get more players from around the country.
3. What new target (store, gaming
clubs, special event) are you planning to
establish contact with in the next month to promote Decipher games. What
plans are you making to help current stores become more
Ubercon will take place on the first weekend of June in Cork, and with the help of James O Donovan from Cork, we will try to promote the game down there, and run a sealed deck aswell. This format is great for getting new players. I will be organizing a trip for the Limerick players down to play on the day, so as to increase the numbers.
Regarding making my store self sufficient, here is the deal. I have been doing this the other way around. Limerick is the centre of Trek activity in Ireland, and if it dies here, then it may die everywhere.That is why instead of me running all over the country trying to keep everything ticking over, I am actively looking for likeminded people to help set the game up in other major cities.
I met a guy from Carlow (Magic Stronghold) at Gencon who
has started playing and i have told him that if he wants to get the game going
there, i will send hm some free cards.
Feedback on Special Promotional events held that month…successes,
shortcomings, suggestions for improvement, player/retailer
I was left with alot of egg on my face when I arrived at my TOC and had to tell my players that I wasn't sent my binders and pins etc etc on time. Not only did this annoy my players, and my retailer, but it anoyed the hell out of me. I don't like breaking promises to my players, and this incident has irreplicably damaged my name. I know for a fact that this was not a one off incident, as it has happened other PCs already. Now I am not sure where this breakdown of communication occured. All the prizes should have been here at least 2 weeks beforehand. As of now, I am still waiting on my prizes (almost 1 month later). On the day, I literally had to beg some of my older players for extra money for prize support, and I had to give away one of my Energise Boxes (Im giving it to the store when i get it for a display of premiere). The shop also gave boxes for cost price. It should not be down to me or my shop to make up for such a mistake, especially not out of our own pockets. I had put an awful amount of work into preparing this event, and it totally soured the occasion for me. So when players keep asking me where are the prizes that were promised, its not Decipher that is taking the heat, its not the distributors that are taking the is ME and MY RETAILER. To be very blunt, this sort of occurence is painting a very bad picture of Decipher in my area, and once players have been annoyed too much, they will drop the game.
Can we get this sorted out so that others do not have to go through what I had to???
When can i expect my prizes??? Can I get a reply to this (privately if ye want).
Everyone seemed to enjoy the TOC despite the lack of
official prizes that i had promised, with one player telling me that it was the
best tournament that they had ever played in (which made my day).
5. Retailer Store(s) or
venues you have run your
-Retailer/Venue Name-The Gathering
-Street Address-43
Lower Gerald Griffin St.
-Zip/Postal Code-Eire
-Phone Number-(00353)
-Retailer/Venue Contact (owner/manger)-Garry Jackson
-Email (if applicable)
-Preferred Retail Programs membership-Trek
-LOTR/ST PC or TD contact person-Myself for Trek
-Holding Decipher Events Y
-Information change from previous month N
Thanks for
communication is intended solely for
the addressee and is confidential and
for third party unauthorised distribution.