1. The state of your area (not only for the Decipher game you represent but for other games, and CCG/TCG’s in general: rumors you might have picked up, relationships with retailers, sales information, tournament and event attendance, stuff like that). 


We have yet to have a sanctioned tournament since the last report.  It isn’t for lack of trying.  The three of us (core players) are out trying new stores, demonstrating product, and trying to drum interest to the game.  We’ve still got the three of us playing.  We had a tournament planned by a guy who usually helps us make four, but he never even showed up to his tournament.  That was quite awkward to say the least.


2. What have you done “For Love Of The Game” in the past month?: demos, new retailer contacts, new avenues explored, TD recruitment and coordination,  events held, tournaments run,...  Tell Decipher what you have done lately.  This is the section where you should highlight your accomplishments and show-off your successes.  You should also include any frustrating experiences where you didn’t reach your own expectations.

We’ve gone to different card stores, and none of them are selling Trek.  There just doesn’t seem to be an interest and stores won’t buy something that won’t sell. All the demos in the world won’t convince a retailer to buy something when his core customers aren’t requesting it.

3. What new target (store, gaming clubs, special event) are you planning to establish contact with in the next month, to promote Decipher games?


One of us will be back at Big World Comics because they are just starting to stock Energize.  The other two of us will be hitting Valley View Mall and a store near Denton (I’m at a loss for the name).  These are the three that seem to have an interest in the game.


4. What have you got planned to promote the Decipher game you represent in the next month(s)?  Set a goal for accomplishing an increase in the game community’s growth and a plan for how to meet that goal.  This is the section where you tell Decipher your plans and make a request for backup, if needed. (Such requests should actually be made as far in advance as possible, in order for Decipher to consider them.)


Requests:  Texas seems to be the lost lamb in Trek.  I know Houston has no tournament scene, Matt Clouser’s report is the same “no news” report, and mine is starting to become that way as well.  Two Ambassadors cannot cover Texas and try to make something happen.  I’m not sure if there is some sort of way to get others from Decipher (tour, riders, whatever) to come visit the state and try to do some promotions but I think it would work.  Perhaps with the new release of product in early Fall there could be a concerted effort to target this state.


Some sort of “wow” promotion would be helpful for all of the states.  Contests with prizes seem to be the best and do stay away from the whole foil for an outrageous purchase.  Your average player/collector is too savvy and to economical to spend $100+ to get one foil they can get on eBay or another auction place for at least half the price.  An alternate image common card, ugh.  Something that really grabs at people would be more helpful.  “Find the hologram Borg Queen, win $1,000” though trite and resembling Wyvern (may it rest in peace) might get people to go out and buy more instead of previous marketing attempts.



New:   Feedback on Special Promotional events held that month…successes, shortcomings, suggestions for improvement, player/retailer comments


No special promotions were held last month. 


Retailer Comments:  No new comments.


5. Retailer Store(s) or venues:

            There are excessive amounts of comic stores, collectible shops, etc in Dallas.  I’m not sure if I should list the hundreds that exist.



Our next tournament will be at the Valley View Mall again.  Demos are held there as well.  Game Chest is a reasonable place to hold tournaments, however space is a major issue.  One complaint is that we compete for the space and the store is in a mall which keeps the space at a premium and we end up playing in the food court.  We’re pretty much staying at the mall again this upcoming month, though we’re gonna see if we can squeeze in again at some point over at Big World.  They seem to have the most players of games there, so it is ideal to have a tournament and demo the game.  We are having an informal gathering on the 13th since the slot opened up at the last minute.


Ray Cox