1.The State of your area (not only for the Decipher
game you represent but
for other games, and CCG/TCG's in general: rumors you
might have picked up,
relationships with retailers, sales information,
tournament and event
attendance stuff like that)
We have had an amazing response to 2E. There have been
not only new players brought in, but also people who
used to play 1E that quit playing awhile ago and
people who used to be just collectors of the Trek
games. We are back to having every tourney be
sanctioned (despite a bad snowstorm on tourney day in
Feb). LoTR is still doing very well as is Magic and
YuGiOh. Buffy is holding on to its small following-but
isn't as well supported as the others. I think that
Harry Potter and Pokemon have trailed off a bit, but
Pokemon still has events being attended. Due to local
insufficencies in support for WizKids games there has
been a slowing of activity-lending credibility to my
belief that a supported game has much more potential
than a game that has no local volunteers-no matter how
good the game is. Games Workshop miniatures games are
still going strong, and the Role-Playing games seem to
do well, but have small pockets of people
participating outside the local venues. BTW-Star Wars
has seen a re-surgance of interest locally, simply
from a few of us dragging out old decks and playing
for fun on our game nights as well as some
'arm-twisting' to have people try playing in an
occasional tourney.
2.What have you done "For Love Of The Game" in the
past month?: demos, new
retailer contacts, new avenues explored, TD
recruitment and coordination,
events held, tournaments run,....
We continue to faithfully hold weekly Decipher night
on Friday nights. During that night (as always) we
vary activities, some are just open play, some are
draft nights for LotR (when do we get to see some
League or Draft stuff for Trek??) and we have even had
a night of Trek Roleplay. Not everyone there
participated, but we had 6 people involved. We are now
awaiting our GM to finish the next leg of the current
adventure where we went to kick some Cardassian a**
while recovering an artifact (of course we have no
idea yet as to it's significance, but it must be
valuable-our ship's captain was murderd over it) :) We
are always available for demos on that night and the
shop owner and employess direct people our way. To
assist that effort I printed up some 'business' cards
on our computer and am keeping a supply available at
the store. They have printed on them the contact
information of all the local Decipher PC's. Also, in
February we attended a 'mini-trek convention' in
DesMoines. I used some remaining Jupiters and Data
Laughing cards to promote the game there. I packaged
them in penny sleeves with a character card from 2E
and our business cards. In January we had a sealed
deck tourney during one of our Decipher nights which
went well-the night went well and all had fun. We
decided that the Friday night tourney will make an
occasional re-appearance. In February we had a tourney
on a day where no travel was advised due to heavy snow
and high winds-but we had 8 people to play regardless.
This one was constructed-and saw a mix of decks. Some
were geard towards battle, but most were simply
mission solvers.
3. What new target (store, gaming clubs, special
event) are you planning to
establish contact with in the next month, to promote
Decipher games?
I am not sure yet what new venue is out there-I do
work 2 Saturdays out of the month and am running out
of new stores to visit after a year an a half.
4.What have you got planned to promote the Decipher
game you represent in
the next month(s)
We are continuing the Decipher nights-and have a
tourney scheduled for one of our Friday nights. Right
now we have tourneys scheduled through May. Holding a
tourney a month seems like a good pace for us-keeps
variety and interest going while still giving plenty
of time for 'just for fun' play. We have been kicking
around different ideas (like a 'kill Wesley' bounty)
for the tourneys. I'd like to see some kind of
Decipher-supported league develop for Trek. The LotR
league is going well and has lots of participants-I
think it would be a good thing for the Trek game to do
something similar.
5. Retailer Store(s) or venues you have run your
-Retailer/Venue Name Mayhem Collectibles
-Street Address 2532 Lincoln Way
-City Ames
-State/Province IA
-Zip/Postal Code 50014
-Phone Number 515-292-3510
-Retailer/Venue Contact (owner/manger)Rob Josepheson
Pamela Covell
STCCG Ambassador-Bajor Region
"Fate protects fools, small children and ships named Enterprise"
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