Subj: [Amb] April report-Ames, Iowa
Date:5/5/02 10:38:05 AM Central Daylight Time

1.The State of your area (not only for the Decipher game you represent but
for other games, and CCG/TCG's in general: rumors you might have picked up,
relationships with retailers, sales information, tournament and event
attendance stuff like that)

Gaming in our area is going strong! The local retailers can't hardly keep LoTR in stock and Star Trek TMP has been getting lots of attention-selling very well. One of our local retailers mentioned that Trek is selling better than it ever has for him. The ST Roleplaying Guidebooks have sold out and there is lots of interest in it. Most of the other card games are selling well, but don't necessarily have the support that we give Decipher's games. WoTC games have gaming nights like ours-but we always outnumber them :) The miniatures games are very popular too. I held a pre-release tournament on the 13th which was very successful, and we continue to hold our weekly game nights-where every week since December we have outnumbered the Magic players who share that night with us! Usually there are anywhere from 10-15 people in attendance.

2.What have you done "For Love Of The Game" in the past month?: demos, new
retailer contacts, new avenues explored, TD recruitment and coordination,
events held, tournaments run,....

I have been working with 2 new players-one is a warhammer player that just wanted to learn STCCG-and is doing pretty well. The other is a kid that is legally blind and hard of hearing who has lots of enthusiasim. He got some cards as a prize at the Enterprise launch party, and has been bringing them in to play the last few weeks. It is taking some time, but he is enjoying it a lot. He currently plays Magic and Pokemon-so this is a new world for him. We have our information pretty well advertised at the local stores-and the store is really good about getting interested parties in touch with us. It is well advertised that we are there every Monday and Tuesday night-and we do demos/teach/mentor new players then-or whenever they want to get together. The pre-release that we held on the 13th went very well, we had 17 players-everyone had a good time. The players liked the new cards and were having fun with the movie themes. We even had an UR pulled! There were several new players that attended, and one of them is someone that was interested in becomming a TD in eastern Iowa-so we got him in touch with Dan Bell! I do have one guy that finally got a tournament scheduled for June which we are looking forward to. And of course as I mentioned above the Monday night Decipher night. At least half of the people that come are Trek players, and we get several games in regularly!

3. What new target (store, gaming clubs, special event) are you planning to
establish contact with in the next month, to promote Decipher games?

I plan on re-visiting the Des Moines stores (about 40 miles south of Ames) and getting our information out to them again. I have made cards with all the local PC's info on them-and leave several with them to hand out to interested parties.

4.What have you got planned to promote the Decipher game you represent in
the next month(s)

We are continuing the game nights, there is a tournament on the 4th and we are going to gear up for the Territorial Opens. We are also planning a ST: RPG game for the second week of the month.

5. Retailer Store(s) or venues you have run your demos/tournaments:

-Retailer/Venue Name
Mayhem Collectibles
-Street Address
2532 Lincoln Way
-Zip/Postal Code
-Phone Number
-Retailer/Venue Contact (owner/manger)
Rob Josephson
*Please provide all retailer contact info requested above.

Pamela Covell
STCCG Ambassador-Bajor Region

"Assimilate this!"

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