1.The State of your area (not only for the Decipher game you represent but
for other games, and CCG's in general : rumors you might have picked up,
relationships with retailers,
sales information, tournament and event attendance stuff like that)
Our local retailer can't keep Holodeck Adventures on the shelf since it came out in December! Also the Voyager and Borg expansions are still selling steadily. The WOTC games are holding. Mage Knight seems to have dipped a little but the Warhammer games still sell very well. Lord of the Rings is gaining in popularity and new players are being brought on almost every week. Our weekly game night continues to grow, we have met several new people since Novmber. In fact this last Monday night we outnumbered the Magic players!
2.What have you done "For Love Of The Game" in the past month : demos, new
retailer contacts, new avenues explored, TD recruitment and coordination,
events held, tournaments run,....
As mentioned above we continue to hold the weekly game nights. Attendance lagged a bit toward the end of December-but has been growing like gangbusters in January. We are currently running a series of unsanctioned tournaments to help with the testing of the suggested tournament scenarios for sanctioning. In December I ran the Star Trek tournament for the Chase the Can weekend. We had 8 players, but they were mostly local players. I would have liked to see more people from other parts of the state. Everyone there had a good time, and they all like the Holodeck Adventures expansion.
3.What have you got planned to promote the Decipher game you represent in
the next month(s)
There is a constructed deck tournament scheduled for February and we are continuing our unsanctioned tournaments to test the suggested scenarios.
Pamela Covell
STCCG Ambassador-Bajor Region
"Assimilate this!"
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