Ambassador Report - September 2003
Ambassador: Matt Clouser
1.Retail/Player Information from your area:
Retailer Scene: There are still NO stores in my area that support STCCG products and activities. As reported in my monthly reports staring in January, Hastings is no longer reserving space for me for my monthly demos - mainly because I haven't had many attendees at a public demo since last October. They still allow me to show up and do small demos, but on a space available basis.
CCG Scene: CCG Scene: CCG activity remains low in the area - Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic remain prominent. The Yu-Gi-Oh gatherings on Thursday evenings at Hastings remain poorly attended, and Magic and Pokemon are also on a decline, all probably due to summer vacations/holidays. With school and college starting up over the last several weeks, gaming activity may pick up.
STCCG remains on life-support.
2. What have you done "For Love Of The Game" in the past month?:
Tournaments: None
Demos: One on August 17th - no attendees.
3. What new target (store, gaming clubs, special event) are you planning to establish contact with in the next month to promote Decipher games. What plans are you making to help current stores become more self-sufficient?
Same story, different month. My 1E players have showed some interest in Call to Arms - particularly with the Borg and Dominion feature prominently.
4. Feedback on Special Promotional events held that month…successes, shortcomings, suggestions for improvement, player/retailer comments
This has been a particularly bad month. My only demo this month turned up no new business. On top of that, my mother-in-law suffered a serious stroke several weeks ago. As a result, I have spent the last several weekends running back and forth to Dallas/FtWorth or Midland to get my wife to or from airports. I notice yesterday that I got in ./Hack from Decipher this weekend - but I will not be able to demo in the near future due to the situation in my family. I understand the emphasis to get ./Hack in the store for order, and I will try to find a local player to stand-in for me at Specialties (local toy store), where I expect the best chance at generating some orders.
5. Retailer Store(s) or venues you have run your demos/tournaments:
None ...
Until next month....
Matt Clouser
STCCG Ambassador
San Angelo, Texas USA