Ambassador Report - January 2002
Region: Ronara - West Texas
Ambassador: Matt Clouser
1.The state of gaming in my area:
RETAILER SCENE: No significant change here.
STCCG: Star Trek "holding the course". At the local gaming store, I'm starting to see the normal signs of players getting back into CCG's after the holidays - including Trek.
We got our second shipment of Holodeck Adventures in at our local retailer - fortunately, this batch appears to be undamaged. The shipment we got in last month had problems with the rares in most of the packs - they were damaged with two prominent vertical indents along the length of the card - very visible from the front and the back, making them useless for both playing and collecting.
What I did to help get around this was left a form letter at the store addressed to CCG Customer Service to return any damaged cards. Several of the players send their rares back - but unfortunately I recently discovered that I forgot to mention to them that they needed to send along a SASE along with the damaged card. I called Jennifer Ketterman in Customer Service and made arrangements to get postage for my San Angelo group. Please pass on my thanks again to Jennifer for her support.
SW/JK/YD: Dead.
LOTR: The interest in this game remains high. The local LOTR Champion held a tournament last week - and surprisingly, only 5 players showed. Most of the LOTR players are current/former Magic players, who tend to shun formal tournaments and do mostly casual play. Apparently their gaming habits have carried over to LOTR.
Magic: Still a strong game locally: as I mentioned, most activity is casual play.
Pokemon: There is a small but loyal following at both retailers: mostly grade-school aged kids.
2.What I've done "For Love Of The Game" ....
TOURNAMENTS: I held a sanctioned constructed deck tournament on January 12th - 8 players total showed up, and it was won by Grant Woodring, our local Borg player with a Borg Assimilation Deck. Several of the other decks were DQ races, most of which played wiht Seven o' Nine - a PRIME target for Reassimilate Lost Drone.
I scheduled a second tournament for last weekend (26 Jan), but only had 5 players show. I got wind about a week prior that several of my regulars were going to have to pass, and no out-of-towners could make it either. We played several rounds of open-gaming instead.
TOURNAMENT DIRECTORS: Currently two: myself, and Jerry Jackson. I'm still working on a couple of other leads.
DEMOS: I run open play sessions, generally Saturdays at 1 pm. I've managed to pull a former player back into the fold, and am helping him get his Romulan Deck up to speed and competative.
3. Upcoming activities: Our next event will be a sanctioned constructed deck tournament on February 16th.
Until next month!!
Matt Clouser
STCCG Ambassador, Ronara Region
San Angelo, Texas USA
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