Ambassador Report - June 2001
Region: Ronara - West Texas
Ambassador: Matt Clouser
#1 What is a general state of the CCG industry in your area. What trends
are you seeing? What games are doing better/worse over the past month? How
is your Product Champion CCG doing compared to the other games lately? What
is your opinion of how things are going in general?
Lots of damage control again this month. The recent buy-out of the main
gamng store in town has led to some changes that have really put off many of
our local CCG players. This transition hot just as Voyager and the new Magic
expansion hit the market - I had to beg the new owner to order 2 boxes of
boosters and 1 box of decks. Thankfully, all of them have sold out, so I may
be able to weedle some more boosters out of them in a couple of weeks.
Unfortunately, no one has taken the lead for Magic, so no new stock has
arrived in over a month now, and the Magic players have gone to ground - I
only see an occasional pick up game any more. The local Pokemon Gym Leader
has gotten enough interest to hold a tournament last Sunday, and I saw at
least 12 players there - this may have alot to do with there being ALOT of
disounted Pokemon available lccally, so the kids are better able to afford
more packs. SW, YJ and JK are dead games here locally, and the recent effort
to B5 off the ground has apparently failed. The MageKnight miniatures game
has also fallen off recently.
#2 What have you been doing to promote your Product Champion CCG in the
past month. How many tournaments and were they successful? How many demos
did you schedule and show up for? Any new players brought on? Any new TD's
created? How is the mentoring of your TD's going? What types of retailer
visits have you done, and what were the results? Finally, how well did you
succeed in accomplishing your planned goals for this month? (see part three
One of my local directors, Mike Harrison, held a sanctioned Constructed Deck
on June 23rd. We (just) made 8 players, and Grant Woodring - who won our May
tournament with a Borg Sphere Deck - won again this time with a mixed
Vidiian/Kazon Speed Deck.
One highlight this month is that we picked up several new players. This is
VERY unusual for summers here - Fall is usually our best season for newbees.
#3 What is your plan for what you intend to do over the upcoming month
to promote your Product Champion CCG. Any tournaments scheduled? Demos?
Retail visits? Are you going to be working with anybody in a mentoring
capacity? Any long-term plans that you will be advancing on during this
Like last month, I'm working with our local gaming store to try and keep ST
above water during this change in ownership. Since we're the only organized
CCG trying to keep active, I hope we pick up some other CCG-ers. We'll see.
We should be running another tournament - either constructed or sealed deck -
later this month. I hope to run several more demos during the weekends this
month. Summers are traditionally slow time for CCG's in this area, so I
anticipate a slow couple of months. Regardless, we're still looking to
maintain our goal of a minimum of one STCCG event a months.
Matt Clouser
STCCG Ambassador, San Angelo, Texas
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