Subj: [Amb] March Report - San Angelo Texas
Date:3/21/01 7:40:20 PM Central Standard Time
CC: (Jerry Jackson), (Mike Harrison), (Grant Woodring), (Dan Hurley)

Ambassador Report - March 2001
Region: Ronara
Ambassador: Matt Clouser - "one of the new guys"

Section 1: The general scene for CCG's, and for Star Trek CCG in particular
in your area.  (What trends are you seeing?  Any strange rumors/news?)

Since this is my first official report, a short summary of our San Angelo,
Texas operations is in order.  For those of you (most I would imagine) who
have no idea where San Angelo is - put your finger in the middle of a West
Texas on a map.  We're the town under your finger.  At about 90,000 people,
we have the distinction of being the largest metropolitan area in the U.S.
that is not served by an interstate.  

We currently have two game stores in the San Angelo area, but only one (Hard
Drive Gaming Center) supports Decipher products and encourages STCCG and
SWCCG gaming.  The second store is currently changing their focus from
RPG/Minitures/CCG's to mainstream toys.  Last year, I was only able to
support one tournament every other month, but two of my players (Jerry
Jackson and Mike Harrison) have each recently become sanctioned directors, so
now we are looking to get up to at least one tournament a month.  The big CCG
here in San Angelo is Magic (natch), while interest in the ugly little yellow
monster game is waning, as well as it's endless clones.  SWCCG (including
Jedi) has been dormant for about a year from lack of a TD, but apparently
there's a local player who's going to get sanctioned for SW, so it may pick
up again.  STCCG runs a strong third (after Magic and Pokemon) in the area.

We have a core group of 6-8 regular STCCG players here in San Angelo, with a
group of 4-6 players from Abilene and a couple of players from Austin who
regularly attend our tournaments - so our tournaments regularly run from 8-12
players.  Happily, two of our recent tournaments in November and December
that had 15 players participating.  See the SCRYE #8.2 for a synopsis of our
November Tournament.  Last year, I ran about one tournament every other
month, but with two of my players getting sanctioned this winter, we are
trying to ensure at least one tournament a month.

Section 2: What have you been up to as an Ambassador during the past month
(demos, tournaments, new retailer contacts, new TD mentorships, etc...)  How
well did you meet your plans made for this month?

As mentioned in Section 1,  two of my players - Jerry Jackson and Mike
Harrison - became sanctioned TD's this January and February respectively.  A
third player, Grant Woodring, has also expressed an interest in getting
sanctioned.  Having three (and possibly four) TD's in the area give us a real
good shot at making good our goal of at least one STCCG tournament or

I have been working with Dan Hurley, our unoffical "coordinator" for Abilene
players, over the last year to get a core group of players in operation in
Abilene, but we haven't been able to work out school and hall schedules yet.

There are several targets for potential STCCG players here in West Texas -
Goodfellow Air Force Base, Angelo State University, the Local School
District, and the local science fiction fan club.  I maintain contact with
sources in each of these activites, but there's been few bites recently.  
There is also a base of about 5-7 serious Trek collectors in our area, but
they have shown little interest in playing.  Several of our local players
assisted me last year in manning a booth at the Mini Covention held by the
local science fiction fan club.

Section 3: What are your plans for the upcoming month, as far as promotions
for Star Trek CCG go?

We hope to send up to four players to the State Tournament in Dallas on 31
March, and are looking to run at running a sanctioned Sealed Deck Tournament
in late April and May (dates to be determined).

Final Note:  Thanks go out to Ambassador Bart McLeroy for his support up
there in "The Big-D", as well as my local players, particularly Jerry, Mike
and Grant, for their willingness to shoulder some of the local tournament

Matt Clouser
STCCG Ambassador, San Angelo, TX, USA

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