Hello fellow Ambies!
I had brought a couple of new people into our group a little while back, but
just realized they had not been added to the Ambassador list, so there was
no way for you to get to know them until today.
So, please help me in welcoming them to our family. I am sure that they
will have a lot of questions. And, since I am now totally out of product
champion handbooks, could somebody with an extra copy contact them to send
them one? Thanks!
Matt Clouser, from San Angelo, Texas. Matt is working with cross-state
associate, Bart McLeroy, to create a large Texas-sized player base for their
David Cordes, from Dunedin, New Zealand. David is working with Andrew Rowse
to fill the vacancy created with Andrew's 'retirement'. (I think that means
we now have a 2-for-1 deal here. Sweet!
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Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 10:40:12 -0500
Subject: [Amb] Welcome to the new guys
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