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New Scenario Tournament Format Brings New Challenges

At the start of the year, Decipher created a new scenario tournament system for the Star Trek CCG, based on the new themes presented in the Mirror Mirror expansion. This tournament system will have its own rating, separate from the open constructed deck rating. Exclusive prizes are being sent for a limited time only, but the sanctioning of this format will be ongoing as a part of the tournament structure.

Special Prizes - There are two foil cards to be given away for these tournaments. The two cards for this promotion are the Alternate Universe Doorway, and the Bajoran Wormhole. They come from previous sets, but are definitely useable in a Mirror Universe deck. The winner of the tournament chooses one of the foil cards as a first place prize, and the other foil card is awarded randomly to one of the remaining players who finished the tournament. That way two players at every tournament will get a cool, shiny, exclusive card. These special foil card prizes are available only for tournaments run between January 16th and May 15th, or until supplies run out. Any remaining copies of these foil cards after May 15th will be held by Decipher for a possible future promotion. The foils will be the only prize support provided by Decipher for these events. However, the fact that there are two being sent (one for the winner and one for a random player who completed the tournament) means that everybody has a chance at gaining a really cool prize at these events.

Directors - We will begin sending out the new special prizes in January for tournaments that take place after January 15th. Only your first Mirror Universe tournament will have to use the regular prize support from your last tournament. For each set of sanctioned Mirror Universe tournament results you send into Decipher, we will send you two of these foil cards to use in your next Mirror Universe tournament. If you run at least 4 of these sanctioned tournaments between January 15th and May 15th, we will also send you a cool director's prize! For this prize, all 4 must be held by the same person.

Tournament Format - The Mirror Universe tournament is run as a normal constructed-deck tournament. Each player brings one deck and can be paired up against any other player. While the main theme of the decks is restricted to the Mirror Universe, a player may use any card from any set that is normally allowed.

Scenario Deck Rules - Players must follow these rules when constructing a deck for this tournament.

• Choose either Terran Empire or Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. You must include a copy of the corresponding Emblem card in your deck.

• At least half your draw deck personnel have to come from that group, either by having the appropriate icon or being listed on the appropriate Emblem card.

• Regular treaties are still allowed. For example, if you are playing the Terran Empire, you can mix KCA Bajorans with your TE Federation personnel if you have the Fed/Bajoran Treaty. Just remember, it's still a Terran Empire deck and your Mirror Universe KCA Bajorans won't help meet the theme requirement.

• At least one copy of a Mirror Universe ship must be included in your deck.

• Include at least one Mirror Quadrant mission among your 6 mission slots.

• You must include at least one Mirror Quadrant facility in your seed deck.






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