05.1997 |
Note: This sample game has been created with two nearly equal power decks consisting of only common and uncommon cards to allow the beginning player a good chance at having most of the cards used. It utilizes cards from all expansions up to Q-Continuum, but no side decks.
During the write-up the game has actually been laid out (and played as "solitaire") with the Dilemmas being actual secrets so the tactical decisions of the players are as close to real as possible. Only a few tweaks have been made from the randomly determined flow of the game when the limited card selection threatened to make the game uninteresting.
The rule set used is the complete set of core rules with none of the options being active.
The Players are Adrian, using a Federation deck with mostly space missions and Beth, playing a Romulan all-planet deck. Adrian goes first.
Preparation: Both players customize 60 card decks and sort them into five stacks: Missions, Doorways, Dilemma/Artifact cards, starting Outposts and the Draw Deck. The mission deck and the draw deck are then shuffled.
Seed Phase I: Doorways
Adrian seeds an Alternate Universe Door.
Beth also has that card and seeds it.
Both players decline to play more Doorways, so we proceed to the next phase. Adrian goes first.
Seed Phase II : Missionss
Adrian draws "Study Hole in Space" from his mission deck and seeds it in the middle of the table with the name facing himself.
Beth draws "Covert Rescue" and seeds it to her left of Adrian's mission, with the mission name facing her. This later serves to find out which player seeded which mission.
A: draws "Test Mission" and places it next to Study Hole in space.
B: draws "Covert Installation" and seeds it next to Test Mission.
A: draws "Restore Errant Moon", seeded next to Covert Rescue.
B: draws "Relief Mission", seeds it next to Covert Installation.
A: draws "Study Stellar Collision", seeds it beside Restore Errant
B: draws "Expose Covert Supply", seeded next to Study Stellar
A: draws Diplomacy Mission, seeds it next to Relief Mission.
B: draws "Extraction", seeds it next to Diplomacy Mission.
A: draws "Repair Mission" which goes next to Expose Covert Supply
B: draws "Strategic Diversion", seeds it next to Repair Mission.
Now the spaceline is complete and seeding proceeds to the next phase. Beth made the last seed during the previous phase, so she gets the first play now.
Seed Phase III: Dilemmas and Artifacts
Now the players seed their Dilemmas. As these cards represent obstacles and plot twists, in this sample game we will preserve the uncertainty by not telling what the seeded cards are. Players alternate seeding one card
each until both pass.
A common beginners' mistake here is to shuffle the Dilemmas. This is not required. Rather, players may select what Dilemma to place at which position and also in which order. This allows for the creation of strategic combos.
Adrian selects his first Dilemma, seeds it face down under Covert Rescue.
Beth selects one Dilemma, seeds it face down under Test Mission.
Adrian selects the next Dilemma and seeds this one under Covert Rescue,
too. The Dilemma goes under the first one and will be encountered before
the other one when the mission is attempted later.
(Both players continue, alternating the seeding of their Dilemmas. As this is pretty straightforward, we will skip this back and forth procedure and jump forward to the point where both players have seeded 17 Dilemmas)
Adrian seeds his last Dilemma under Covert Rescue and declares he's done
with Dilemmas and Artifacts
Beth seeds her last under Restore Errant Moon and also declares she is
done with the phase.
The spaceline now looks like this when viewed from Adrian's side (left
to right):
Extraction - 3 seed cards
Diplomacy Mission - 4 seed cards
Relief Mission - 2 seed cards
Covert Installation - 3 seed cards
Test Mission - 3 seed cards
Study Hole in Space - 2 seed cards
Covert Rescue - 4 seed cards
Restore Errant Moon - 4 seed cards
Study Stellar Collision - 2 seed cards
Expose Covert supply - 3 seed cards
Repair Mission - 3 seed cards
Strategic Diversion - 3 seed cards.
As Beth went last during the phase, she will start the actual game, but
first the players need to establish their outposts.
Seed Phase IV: Outposts
Beth seeds a Romulan outpost at Relief Mission, Adrian his Federation
Outpost at Study Stellar Collision.
Both players shuffle their draw decks and draw seven cards.
The Main Game
- Turn 1 (Beth)
Beth reports Mirok to her outpost. She then draws a card to end
her turn.
Turn 1 (Adrian)
Adrian plays Red Alert! on table, allowing him to play any number
of equipment, ships or personnel during a turn instead of just
one. He then draws a card to end his turn.
Turn 2 (Beth)
Beth reports Dr. Farek and draws a card.
Turn 2 (Adrian)
Adrian plays Static Warp Bubble, forcing Beth to discard one card
before ending each of her turns and draws a card. (He also held
several personnel, but he can only play either the cards from
Red Alert! or an Event and he chose the Event card.)
Turn 3 (Beth)
Beth reports Taul to her outpost. She discards Metaphasic Shields
and then draws a card
Turn 3 (Adrian)
Adrian reports Nikolai Rozhenko, Bok and a Federation PADD. Then
he draws a card.
Turn 4 (Beth)
Beth reports Pardek. She beams Pardek down to the planet and attempts
the mission. The Mission stack is now turned over and Pardek faces
the first Dilemma, Female Love Interest. He is unaffected by this
(male). The Dilemma is discarded, Pardek must continue his attempt.
Next is El-Adrel Creature, a Dilemma which attacks the two strongest
people in the away team. As Pardek is alone, Beth has no choice
as to have him face the creature. He needs a STRENGTH
> 16 to pass and cannot match this with only 6. Pardek is killed
and the Dilemma is discarded. (This strategy is commonly referred
to as Redshirting. Pardek managed to eliminate two Dilemmas before
dying and cleared the way for Beth's important characters.)
Beth now beams down Mirok and he attempts the mission. He has
the required Physics and scores the mission. Beth now leads 20-0
in points. Mirok beams back up to the outpost. Beth discards Q2
(for the Warp Bubble) and draws a card.
Turn 4 (Adrian)
Adrian reports McKnight and draws a card. (he has a lousy hand,
so what shall he do :-( )
Turn 5 (Beth)
Beth reports Tebok, discards Espionage: Romulan on Federation
and draws a card, hoping for a ship...
Turn 5 (Adrian)
Adrian reports the U.S:S: Galaxy. Then, he attempts Study Stellar
Collision from his outpost even though he does not have the required
skills yet, hoping to clear at least a few Dilemmas...Turning
over the first Dilemma card, he encounters Empathic Echo, a card
that kills a random Empath unless there is a SECURITY
and a MEDICAL present. He does not have
any Empaths, so nobody is killed, however he was unable to overcome
the conditions, so the Dilemma remains in place and his crew is
With nothing left to do, he draws a card.
Turn 6 (Beth)
Beth reports N'Vek, discards a Medical Kit and draws a card, still
in dire need for a ship.
Turn 6 (Adrian)
Adrian plays Klim Dokachim, an Event that denies his opponent
his card draw when he plays a unique personnel. Then he draws
a card.
Turn 7 (Beth)
Beth reports Tarus (who is universal and does not trigger Klim
Dokachim), discards Movar and draws one card (mentally rejoicing
because she has just drawn a ship)
Turn 7 (Adrian)
Adrian plays Kivas Fajo - Collector, an Event allowing him to
draw 3 cards. He draws those 3 plus one more to end his turn.
Turn 8 (Beth)
Beth reports a Scout Vessel and boards it with her entire crew.
Quickly checking all her skills, she finds she can solve Covert
Installation, so she flies over, beams down and attempts. The
first Dilemma is Worshiper. She could pass it and score 5 points
had she more Greed than Honor.
Unfortunately she has one of each, so she does not fulfill that
clause. She could now pass without scoring (but continue her attempt)
had sh Anthropology or an Edo Vessel. Unfortunately she just discarded
her only Anthropologist so she is stopped, but the Worshiper is
discarded. Betty's away team remains vulnerable on the planet.
She discards Palor Toff - Alien Trader (her last card) and draws
a new card.
Turn 8 (Adrian)
Adrian has drawn well with his Kivas last turn and now reports
Taitt, Jenna D'Sora, Simon Tarses and a Runabout. He gathers all
his crew and re-attempts the mission.
As he already knows, the first Dilemma is Empathic Echo, which
he can now pass using Tarses and D'Sora.
Next is Interphasic Plasma Creatures. He has only one SCIENCE,
so the Dilemma goes on the table, lowering all his personnel's
STRENGTH by 2. Unable to overcome the Dilemma,
Adrian's crew is stopped and he draws a card.
Turn 9 (Beth)
Beth plays The Traveler: Transcendence. This nullifies (destroys)
Adrian's Static Warp Bubble and allows her to draw two cards at
the end of each turn.
She then reattempts Covert Installation with her crew.
The next Dilemma is Hunter Gangs, which selects two of her crewmembers
and kills any of them whose CUNNING is an
odd number. The selection targets Tebok (CUNNING
7) and Dr. Farek (CUNNING 8). Tebok is killed
by the gangs. The Dilemma does not stop her as it had no conditions
to be overcome, only a certain class of targets that get affected
(Odd CUNNING). She continues with her decimated
crew. The last Dilemma here is Parallel Romance which requires
a male/female couple to be present to have any effect. However,
Beth's team is males only and the Romance is discarded.
But alas, the death of Tebok was bad news. Without the Leadership
skill Tebok provided, Beth cannot solve the mission, so she beams
back up and returns to her outpost aboard the Scout Vessel.
She then draws two cards and ends her turn.
Turn 9 (Adrian)
Adrian reports the U.S.S. Nebula and reattempts his mission. With
no more Dilemmas in his way, Taitt can solve the requirements
and Adrian scores 25 points. Checking through his skills, he finds
no other mission he could solve right now, so he draws a card
and ends his turn.
Turn 10 (Beth)
Beth plays Yellow Alert, an Event that nullifies Adrian's Red
Alert and gives her crew CUNNING +1.
Rechecking her skill complement, Beth finds she can still solve
Extraction, so she flies over, beams down and attempts.
The first Dilemma is Royale Casino: Craps. She would have to show
a personnel card from her hand for Adrian to match, but she has
none and so the 7 points go to Adrian, bringing the score to 32-20.
Beth is now faced with Security Precautions, a Dilemma she could
overcome with a disruptor. As she has none, she is stopped and
having nothing else to do, she draws two cards and ends her turn.
Turn 10 (Adrian)
Adrian reports Fleet Admiral Shanthi, giving him both needed Diplomacy
and Leadership. He distributes his crew over the two capital ships
in the hopes of later establishing a daisy-chain of ships and
moves both ships to Covert Rescue. He draws one card and ends
his turn.
Turn 11 (Beth)
Beth reports a Romulan Disruptor and beams her away team back
to the Scout Vessel. Using 5 RANGE, she
returns to the outpost, picks up her disruptor and flies back
to Diplomacy Mission.
Arriving there, she plays Near-Warp Transport to get her crew
back to Extraction, leaving Tarus aboard to bring the ship next
turn. Faced with Security Precautions again, she passes using
her disruptor. The last Dilemma is Rebel Encounter. As Beth has
a STRENGTH of only 34, she cannot pass this
way, and not wanting to lose a key personnel, she sacrifices her
Disruptor and passes.
Taul, N'Vek and Dr. Farek solve the mission bringing the score
to 55-32. Beth draws two cards to end her turn.
Turn 11 (Adrian)
Adrian reports Norah Satie. She boards the Runabout and flies
to Covert Rescue. From there, everybody boards the Galaxy and
moves over to Study "Hole in Space". Adrian attempts the mission.
The first Dilemma is Edo Probe, forcing him to choose to solve
a different mission first or risk ten points in case he cannot
solve the mission this turn. Faced with a 21-point lead by Beth
he chooses to go for the risk.
The second Dilemma is Conundrum, he passes because he has a total
With no more Dilemmas remaining, Adrian can score the mission
and wipes his forehead. The score goes to 67-55 in his favor.He
moves to Test Mission and plays Distortion of Space/Time Continuum,
restoring his ship's RANGE.
He now moves all the way to Diplomacy mission, beams down and
attempts. The first Dilemma is Zaldan, requiring Treachery x2,
which Nikolai Rozhenko and Bok can overcome.
Second is Matriarchal Society, an easy pass for his two female
Admirals. The third Dilemma, Ferengi Attack, is again solved by
Bok (Greed), though he could also have done it using the attribute
scores - his CUNNING alone is 68 (with the
PADD), so the STRENGTH drain from Interphasic
Plasma creatures does not hurt him here.
The last Dilemma is Hologram Ruse, requiring CUNNING
and INTEGRITY to be over 30, an easy requirement
for Adrian's large crew (also a bad choice on Beth's side as the
mission requirements are nearly identical to the Dilemma requirements).
Adrian solves the mission and is now only 3 points away from winning!
He also holds a Particle Fountain which he would like to play
for 5 points, but unfortunately he lacks a second ENGINEER,
so he has to draw a card and end his turn.
Turn 12 (Beth)
Beth reports Sirol to provide the vital Leadership. She then plays
Transwarp Conduit allowing her Science Vessel to move double RANGE.
Tarus moves it to Extraction and she picks up her crew (15 RANGE
remaining). Moving back to her Outpost (RANGE remaining: 10),
she picks up Sirol and moves to Covert Installation (7 RANGE
remaining). The crew beams down, solves the mission (no Dilemmas
remaining) and back up. The last 7 RANGE
get her to Study Hole in Space.
She now plays Kevin Uxbridge to get rid of Adrian's Klim Dokachim
so she can draw cards despite reporting Sirol. She draws her two
cards and ends her turn.
Turn 12 (Adrian)
Adrian uses Palor Toff - Alien Trader to get back his Distortion
of Space/Time Continuum. He moves his USS Galaxy to Test Mission
and attempts despite not having the Physics skill in the hope
of hitting a Dilemma with a point value or at least cleaning out
a few for a later attempt.
The first seed is Microbiotic Colony, but Adrian has SCIENCE,
OFFICER and ENGINEER so nothing happens.
Next is Rascals, turning Shanthi, D'Sora, Bok and Rozhenko into
kids, also nullifying a few valuable skills in the process. The
Dilemma does not stop him, but it severely weakened him.
Last is indeed a point-scoring Dilemma but it is not in Adrian's
favor: The Higher... the Fewer makes him pay bitterly for his
9-person crew, putting Beth back into the lead at 90-88.
Being out of RANGE, Adrian plays Distortion of Space/Time Continuum
and moves two more places to Covert Rescue. (He would have liked
to shoot that puny Scout to stardust, but being Federation he
is denied that pleasure.)
He draws a card and ends his turn.
Turn 13 (Beth)
Beth moves her Scout to Covert Rescue. She beams down her crew
and attempts the mission.The first seed is Royale Casino: Blackjack.
She has Jaron in her hand, thus a total of 7, while Adrian holds
no personnel and will have to pay 5 to Beth. The new score is
95-83 in Beth's favor. Next is Q's Vicious Animal Things, Beth
passes with a STRENGTH of 40. Alien Abduction
is next. As most of her crew have a CUNNING
of 8, Beth can choose Tarus, the most expendable crewmember to
be abducted. She is not stopped either, so she runs into the last
Dilemma: Chalnoth! She does not have the STRENGTH
or SECURITY to overcome this and Adrian
grinningly chooses Sirol to die. Beth is stopped and draws 2 cards
to end her turn.
Turn 13 (Adrian)
Adrian reports Dr. Reyga. The U.S.S. Galaxy flies to Restore Errant
Moon. Norah Satie takes the Runabout to pick up Dr. Reyga at the
outpost and fly back. All others beam down and attempt the mission.
First is an Impassable Door, solved by Bok's Computer Skill.
Second seed is Firestorm, killing all crew whose INTEGRITY
is less than 5, so Bok and Nikolai Rozhenko die.
The third Dilemma is Archer. Taitt and D'Sora pass this.
The last Dilemma is Alien Parasites. Adrian counts his INTEGRITY
and finds he has 33, just barely enough to pass by one measly
point. At this point the planetbound crew cannot continue, lacking
the required skills for the mission.
Adrian brings in his two remaining personnel from the Runabout.
Beth tries a last stand and uses Brain Drain on Dr. Reyga, trying
to remove all his skills for this turn, but Adrian is prepared
and plays Amanda Rogers to nullify the Brain Drain before it can
take effect. Norah Satie, luckily unaffected by the Rascals, provides
the needed Leadership and Dr. Reyga has the ENGINEER
and Astrophysics skills so Adrian can solve Restore Errant Moon.
Adrian scores 30 points, finally winning 113-95.
By: Helge Blohmer
Wesley Crusher (crusher@kiss.de) |