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Introduction A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W XYZ

Star Trek™ Customizable Card Game™ Current Rulings

Released 10/19/98 (Revised 10/26/98)


Current Rulings are periodic updates to the FAQ, including rules changes, clarifications and situations not addressed in the rulebook, supplements or FAQ. Current Rulings are the official supplement to the FAQ and should be used by tournament directors in making tournament rulings.

This document contains all Current Rulings issued since the 5/16/97 FAQ Update. Entries that are new or changed since the last Current Rulings document (9/21/98) are marked with an asterisk (*) before the topic. This revision includes the addendum issued 10/26/98 with changes to Assign Mission Specialists and the definition of bonus points.

Answers given by official Decipher representatives are not official until included in the FAQ or in a Current Rulings document. Such answers are highly recommended for use by tournament directors, but the TD always has the final authority on rulings.

NOTE: Borg drones are listed by their designations (e.g., Interlink Drone, not Nine of Eleven). Text in square brackets represents an icon. Most icon designations are listed below.



Alternate Universe


Bajoran affiliation


Borg use only


Borg affiliation




Cardassian affiliation


Optical Compact Disk


Communication subcommand (blue icon)


Delta Quadrant


Defense subcommand (red icon)


Dominion affiliation


U.S.S. Enterprise-E


Federation affiliation


Ferengi affiliation


Holographic re-creation


Hidden Agenda


Klingon affiliation






Navigation subcommand (green icon)






Romulan affiliation






Special download






Countdown box


Point box


Several earlier formal and informal rulings have been changed to enhance gameplay and for better consistency. This includes several changes included in the Deep Space Nine rulebook that affect existing rules. Also, several key concepts have been defined and/or clarified. For details, see the following listings (entries marked with an asterisk have been added since the previous Current Rulings):

actions: Definition and clarification of actions.

Amanda Rogers: Errata: May nullify any card "played as an Interrupt card."

* Assign Mission Specialists: Errata: This card is no longer a CaptainŐs Order. Clarification: Points scored are now bonus points.

assimilation of planets: All facilities at the location are assimilated.

* beaming: Beaming restrictions at a Nor include beaming within the Nor's shields.

* bonus points: Points from Objective cards that are not [Borg Only] are now bonus points.

* closed doorways: Clarified which game text becomes inactive.

* dilemma resolution: Dilemmas that say "mission continues" are not replaced under the mission.

* Distortion Of Space/Time Continuum: Must be played on a ship (affects only Away Teams associated with that ship).

colon rule: Repealed. New rule on how cards are "grouped."

docking: Docking at outposts is no longer automatic. Docked ships may not attempt missions or fire WEAPONS.

* Docking Pads: Ships docked at this site are also landed and subject to landed ship rules.

* Energy Vortex: Can affect the play of a hidden agenda. Replacement card may be affected by a second Energy Vortex.

Ensign Tuvok: May cancel only a ship battle at a Nebula.

* equipment cards: Affiliation-specific equipment now affiliation/species specific. Reporting restrictions removed and usage restrictions reduced.

facilities: New card type includes outposts, stations and headquarters. Changes in establishment of facilities (locations, number).

Gaps In Normal Space: Creates a spaceline location of unspecified type (not "space" type).

Garak: Special skill applies "where present" (not "here").

Manheim's Dimensional Door: The Manheim effect may not be used when a hidden agenda is played or activated.

matching commanders: DS9 ships and matching commanders listed. Add U.S.S. Defiant (Benjamin Sisko and Worf).

misseeds: Clarification of misseed rules in DS9 rulebook.

missions: Now seed for free.

* movement between quadrants: References to distance in relocating/moving cards (nearest, farthest, span) restrict movement to current spaceline.

[univ] Nebula: Scan is required only to initiate ship battle. Only an undocked ship with a crew is affected by a dilemma here.

* opponentŐs choice: Opponent may examine entire card for opponent's choice dilemmas.

* Palor Toff - Alien Trader: Target must be selected before opponent responds.

present: Definitions of "present" and related terms.

* QŐs Tent: Target must be selected before opponent responds.

Radioactive Garbage Scow: Borg may tow away.

* Res-Q: Target must be selected before opponent responds.

ship staffing: Affiliated ship must have one matching personnel to move, initiate battle, cloak, etc.

Space-Time Portal: When discarded to play as a second Wormhole interrupt, may be nullified by Amanda Rogers.

"stopped": "Stopped" cards may no longer contribute traits or skills for cards that require they be "present" or "aboard."

Tal Shiar: No longer includes "built-in" functions.

Tarellian Plague Ship: May use holographic MEDICAL to overcome.

timing: Clarification of timing rules.

Transporter Skill: No longer includes "built-in" function.


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