Access Denied
- See Ferengi Ingenuity. actions - interrupting actions - Interrupt
and Doorway cards may no longer be played during a mission (or scouting) attempt
unless the card "suspends play" (e.g., Flight of the Intruder) or represents a
valid response to the attempt or to one of its sub-actions (e.g., Hugh, Senior
Staff Meeting). This reverses all previous Glossary and Rulebook entries allowing
these cards to be played between seed card encounters and after the mission attempt
is announced (but before the first seed card is encountered). "any"
- If a card refers to a specific Star Trek character using the word "any" (e.g.,
"any Miles" on Pup, "any Odo" on Intelligence Operation), it is referring to any
personnel card representing the specified character. Impersonators are never considered
true representations of the character they depict. (Thus Chief O'Brien is "any
Miles" and Montgomery Scott is "any Scotty," while Odo Founder is not "any Odo.")
Arbiter of Succession - The two Klingons targeted by this interrupt
may belong to the same player. Beware of Q - The second function
of this objective can be used to replace a dilemma seeded at Empok Nor.
Big Picture, The - See The Big Picture. card types - A card
that says it is "played as" or "used as" another card type now counts as both
card types for all purposes. (This reverses the existing Glossary entry.) However,
artifacts must still be earned or acquired legally before use. For example, an
artifact that plays as an Event card can be protected by Rishon Uxbridge or nullified
by Kevin Uxbridge: Convergence. An artifact that is used as an Equipment card
may be stolen by a Procurement Drone, discarded to satisfy Rebel Encounter or
(if reclaimed from discard pile with Reclamation) reported in any way that an
Equipment card may be reported (e.g., Devidian Door). (The text on Amanda Rogers,
Kevin Uxbridge and Disruptor Overload referring to cards played as Interrupt or
Event cards or used as Equipment cards is redundant.) dilemmas - resolution
- If no personnel remain to resolve a dilemma you've encountered, replace that
dilemma under the mission. For example, your Away Team of Elim Garak ("May avoid
any random selection") encounters Armus - Skin of Evil ("Kill one Away Team member
(random selection). Discard dilemma."). If you choose to have Elim Garak avoid
the random selection, there is no one left to resolve Armus, and it is replaced
under the mission. Other cards that might remove all personnel before you can
resolve a dilemma include Flight of the Intruder and Launch Portal. dilemmas
- timing - Interrupt and Doorway may no longer be played during a mission
(or scouting) attempt unless a card or rule specifically allows it. See actions
Ð interrupting actions. Ferengi Ingenuity - When affected by Access
Denied, this dilemma should be read as follows: "If one personnel present has
3 Computer Skill, discard dilemma. Otherwise, to get past, place on 2 most CUNNING
Computer Skill present ("stopped" during countdown)." Hail - Although
the ship targeted by this interrupt is not "stopped" (e.g., it is not prevented
from battling or attempting a mission), it may not move to a different location
this turn. Horga'hn - You "use" this artifact (for purposes of
cards such as Temporal Narcosis and Writ of Accountability) each time you take
a double turn. Horga'hn allows you to take double turns, but you are not required
to do so. Incoming Message: Attack Authorization - This interrupt
allows a player to attack another of their own ships. Intruder Alert!
- This incident is not itself a valid response to Rogue Borg, and thus cannot
be revealed in response to them. See hidden agendas. Kevin Uxbridge:
Convergence - This interrupt may now nullify any card type "played as an Event
card" on the spaceline. See card types. mission attempt - Interrupts
such as Rogue Borg, Emergency Transporter Armbands (unless escaping Firestorm)
and End Transmission may no longer be played between dilemmas as described in
the Glossary. See actions Ð interrupting actions. scouting attempt
- Interrupt and Doorway cards may no longer be played between dilemmas as described
in the Glossary. See actions Ð interrupting actions. "stopped"
- When a card "stops" personnel for a given duration (e.g., Parallel Romance,
Chinese Finger Puzzle), they may still be "unstopped" by other cards (e.g., Distortion
of Space/Time Continuum, Deanna Troi). Subspace Warp Rift - To
avoid damage from this event, a ship must stop moving at its location and remain
there for the remainder of the turn, but is not "stopped" (e.g., it is not prevented
from battling or attempting a mission). Tetryon Field - A ship
without Navigation aboard must stop moving at the location of this event, but
is not "stopped" (e.g., it is not prevented from battling or attempting a mission).
The Big Picture - You may satisfy either requirement of this event
at any point before or after it is played. You are not required to have solved
(or scouted) a space mission and a planet mission at the time it is played.
The Wake of the Borg - Because this interrupt does not specify it can affect
landed ships, they are not destroyed by it. Wake of the Borg, The
- See The Wake of the Borg. white deprivation - Even when disabled,
a [KW] Jem'Hadar is still subject to death by random selection as described in
the Glossary. They do not, however, initiate battle when disabled. Writ
of Accountability - See Horga'hn. |