There are "no opposing ships in Neutral Zone" if your opponent has no uncloaked
ships (including landed and docked ships) at any location that is part of the
Neutral Zone (see regions of space for a list of missions that make up the Neutral
Zone). See unopposed, cloaked ship. *PERSONA
REPLACEMENT - You may not replace the same persona more than once at the start
of a turn. POINT AREA - File Mission Report is no longer an example
of a "non-bonus point box," as non-Borg objective points are now defined as bonus
points. POINT BOX - A point box on a card may contain a number
(a point value) or a variable such as X or 10X. "A point box" is any point box
regardless of its contents. "A point box with a number" is one with just a number
and no variable. When a card refers to a mission point box "showing at
least 40 points," it means the actual number printed on the card, not what the
mission may be worth. Thus, the point box on Quest for the Sword always shows
40 points, even after The Sheliak arrives and makes the mission worth 0 points.
Likewise, Reunion's point box never shows any points, although it may be worth
15 or 40 points. POST GARRISON - The staffed ships required to
maintain the garrison at a space location with this objective must be decloaked.
See cloaked ship. PREPARE ASSAULT TEAMS -
This objective allows you to split your cards into two assault teams at the start
of personnel battle. Each assault team must have at least one personnel card in
it; it may not consist solely of Equipment cards. If you are the attacker, your
assault team that you choose to participate in the battle must contain a leader
(unless counter-attacking). PRESENT - To accomodate the changes
to the "stopped" rules, the following changes should be made to the Glossary entry
on "present": (1st paragraph) Your personnel and equipment are present
together (or "with" each other) if they are in the same crew or Away Team. Personnel
who are "stopped," disabled, in stasis or under house arrest form a separate crew
or Away Team. (See Away Team and crew.) (7th paragraph) "Aboard" (a ship
or facility) is also used interchangeably with "present" for many space dilemmas
and other cards. - Only the crew attempting or scouting the
mission (or the Away Team attempting to commandeer a Nor) are considered to be
"aboard" for encountering dilemmas or Q-icon cards, or for contributing skills
for other cards that are an integral part of a mission, commandeering or scouting
attempt (e.g., Senior Staff Meeting).
- "Stopped" personnel are considered to
be "aboard" for all other purposes except staffing ships.
- Personnel who are
intruders, disabled, in stasis or under house arrest are considered to be "aboard"
for all other purposes, except they may not contribute traits or skills for staffing
ships, for curing or nullifying dilemmas that have long-term effects or for such
cards as Paxan "Wormhole," Defiant Dedication Plaque, Kurlan Naiskos or Navigate
Plasma Storms.
"PREVENTS" - See responses.
PRIMARY SUPPLY DEPOT - This outpost may be seeded at any non- homeworld
Gamma Quadrant mission, regardless of affiliation icons. It may not be built later.
Like all outposts, it allows reporting of compatible personnel and ships native
to the quadrant, and any equipment. While the outpost itself does not repair ships,
they may be repaired by a Spacedock played here. PROBING - If a
card has received errata that gives it a new icon, treat that card as if the icon
were printed on it for purposes of probing. For example, the dilemma Under Fire
has the special download [SD] icon in its probe list. Tasha Yar - Alternate has
received errata changing her special skill to [SD] Starfleet Type II Phaser. If
your probe card is Tasha Yar - Alternate, it is a successful probe for Under Fire.
PROCESS ORE - See Ore Processing Unit.
SIDE DECK - effective. Used Q-icon cards from your Q-Continuum
side deck no longer go to your discard pile. Whenever one of your used Q-icon
cards is discarded or otherwise leaves the table, place it face up underneath
your Q-Continuum side deck. When your side deck runs out of face-down Q-icon cards,
just shuffle the face-up cards and place them face down again underneath your
seeded Q-Flash doorway. (Q-icon cards that come into play from any source other
than your Q-Continuum side deck, such as Q-icon dilemmas seeded under a mission
with Beware of Q or a Q's Planet from your Q's Tent, are discarded normally after
use, even if you also have a side deck.) Q'S PLANET - The seed cards
that you may place at this Q-icon mission when it is inserted into the spaceline
must be dilemmas, artifacts or cards that seed like dilemmas or artifacts, that
is, cards that seed face down under the mission. Facilities, objectives etc. may
not be placed here, even if seedable. QUANTUM DRONE (SIX OF ELEVEN)
- This personnel has a clarification: "When on your ship, may download an
Alternate Universe Door in place of one card draw." QUARK SON OF KELDAR
- This personnel has revised game text (clarification) in the black border
printing (Blaze of Glory). "Attributes all +3 if with Grilka." RATIONING
- See Ketracel-White. READY ROOM DOOR -
You may not download a second matching commander to a ship with this doorway while
there is a matching commander aboard (unless the ship may benefit from two matching
commanders, such as the Cha'Joh). Normally a ship may benefit from only one matching
commander at a time, and the ability to download a matching commander is a benefit
to the ship. Thus, you may not download a second Rinnak Pire to a universal Bajoran
ship if there is already a copy of Rinnak Pire aboard. If the first copy leaves
the ship, you may download another. RECRUIT MERCENARIES - The negative
points for this event are scored ("paid") at the location where you download the
mercenaries. RED ALERT! - This event has revised game text (clarification): "Plays
on table. In place of your normal card play, you may report for duty any number
of Ship, Personnel and Equipment cards." Interrupts may not be played between
the individual cards reported. See card play; action, group.
REFLECTION THERAPY - You may use this objective to change a
regular skill that does not actually appear in a skills box, but was added by
an equipment card (e.g., Engineering Kit), Mot's Advice, K'chiQ's selectable skill
etc. If the personnel is separated from the equipment card, or Mot's Advice is
nullified, the Reflection Therapy objective will be discarded, because its target
(the skill that it affected) no longer exists. REGIONS OF SPACE -
Add the following mission to the list of regional missions in the Glossary:
Search for Weapons "Demilitarized Zone Region ¥ Border planet" REM FATIGUE
HALLUCINATIONS - Several rulings on this dilemma have been reversed for consistency
with normal dilemma interpretation. Replace the existing Glossary entry with the
following: This dilemma is no longer an exception to the normal dilemma
rules. Like most dilemmas, it affects only the crew or Away Team that attempted
the mission and encountered the dilemma. It will not affect other personnel who
later join the Away Team, or other crew members if the Away Team beams back to
a ship. (Because this is a [S/P] dilemma, the reference to "entire crew" is taken
to mean "entire crew or Away Team." See Away team and crew.)
In order to cure this dilemma by returning to the outpost, the ship must dock
at the outpost. Returning to another type of facility does not count. Either cure
(returning to and docking at the outpost, or bringing 3 MEDICAL to the affected
personnel) now earns the 5 point bonus. REMOTE SUPPLY DEPOT - This
outpost may be built at any mission with a Dominion affiliation icon in either
quadrant. It may not be seeded. Like all outposts, when built in its native (Alpha)
quadrant, it allows reporting of compatible personnel and ships native to the
quadrant. While the outpost itself does not repair ships, they may be repaired
by a Spacedock played here. REPAIR - See damage
markers. REPORTED ACTIVITY - This mission has a clarification:
The requirement for ENGINEERING x2 should read ENGINEER x2. REPORTING
FOR DUTY - When a facility allows you to report a card for duty, you may do
so only if that card and the facility are both in their native quadrant. (Equipment
cards are native to all quadrants and thus may report to any appropriate facility
that is in its native quadrant.) Also, when a site allows you report cards, you
may do so only if that Nor also has at least one docking site. However,
when the reporting is allowed by some other card, such as The Emissary's special
skill or Devidian Door, the card may report to any quadrant, even if it happens
to be reporting aboard a facility; and a docking site is not required on the Nor.
REQUIRED ACTIONS - When a ship is affected by a moving required
action, such as Cytherians, personnel and equipment may be brought aboard the
ship at any point in the journey, whether required for staffing or not, by beaming
(using the transporters of either the affected ship or another ship or facility),
by reporting (using the game text of the ship itself, such as Borg Cube, or another
card, such as The Emissary's skill) or by any other method that does not involve
the ship and crew taking an action such as docking. Personnel and equipment may
not be removed from the ship by any means. RESCUE - See capture.
RESPONSES - Interrupts and skills that "prevent" an action may be used
as a response to that action. If the action thus prevented is a card play, it
nullifies that card play. For example, Howard Heirloom Candle "prevents Anya or
Salia from morphing this turn." If I play You Dirty Rat on Anya to morph her into
a rat, you may respond with Howard Heirloom Candle to nullify You Dirty Rat. If
the prevented action is a battle, the battle is cancelled, but all cards involved
are still "stopped." REUNION - If you solve this mission with the
alternate requirements of Subjugate Planet, its point value (and therefore the
STRENGTH requirement of the objective) still depends on whether you have Miracle
Worker, Cantankerousness and/or Spock present in the Away Team. - If none
are present: 0 points, STRENGTH>0 required.
- If one is present: 15 points,
STRENGTH>30 required.
- If all three are present: 40 points, STRENGTH>80
See point box. *REVISED
GAME TEXT - Some Glossary and Current Rulings entries provide revised game
text for cards. In most cases, these revisions merely make the proper gameplay
of a card more clear, or implement a rule or ruling directly on the card itself.
These revisions are considered clarifications. In other cases, the game text revisions
represent gameplay changes relative to earlier versions of the cards, in order
to correct a wording error, address a gameplay concern or correct some other problem;
these revisions are considered errata. (At this time, most revisions in the Glossary
are labelled "errata," though some should be considered "clarifications.") Several
cards from the Premiere set were updated with revised wordings in the second ("beta")
white-border printing in 1995. While most such revisions affected only the lore,
some affected gameplay and thus are listed as errata or clarifications. Other
cards will use the revised wordings in any future printings. In either case, the
game text provided here defines the correct gameplay for all versions of the clarified
cards as of the date of this document. The following cards have revised
game text. See the individual Glossary or Current
Rulings entries for the actual revised text. Amanda Rogers Amanda's
Parents Anti-Time Anomaly Assign Mission Specialists Captain's Log
Cargo Rendezvous Cryosatellite Distortion Field Docking Pads Emergency
Transporter Armbands Evacuation Firestorm Full Planet Scan Garak
Kevin Uxbridge Khitomer Research Major Rakal Martok Menthar Booby
Trap Phaser Burns Quantum Drone (Six of Eleven) Quark Son of Keldar
Red Alert! Remodulation Reported Activity Scan Scanner Interference T'Pan
Tasha Yar - Alternate Thine Own Self Tsiolkovsky Infection U.S.S.
Danube Vulcan Nerve Pinch Zon ROMULAN AMBUSH - The captive
that you take with this interrupt is selected and placed in the captive area before
the ship is destroyed. If the crew is saved with a card that plays during the
destruction (such as Three-Dimensional Thinking or Escape Pod), the captive is
not saved. |