RULINGS GARAK - This personnel
has revised text in the black-border printing: "May replace anyone present randomly
selected to die." (This replaces the errata entry for the white-border card in
the glossary.) GENDER - Whenever a personnel's
gender is not indicated by the card's image, game text, title or lore, that personnel
is considered to be male. *GIFT OF THE TORMENTOR - You cannot encounter
this Q-interrupt from your own Q-Continuum. Only your opponent may face cards
from your Q-Continuum side deck. You may not play this card as a normal interrupt
or seed it under a mission with Beware of Q (that objective allows seeding of
Q-dilemmas only, not Q-interrupts or Q-events). Because the card specifies
that it is placed in a discard pile, it overrides the rule to replace it face
up beneath your Q-Continuum side deck. See Q-Continuum
side deck, Q-icon cards.
GOMTUU - If you attack a ship with Gomtuu and another ship, they cannot
combine WEAPONS (because Gomtuu has no WEAPONS rating). Check separately to see
if the other ship may damage the target, and if Gomtuu may hurl it. Apply all
successful results (i.e., apply damage and/or hurl the ship, as applicable).
GOWRON OF BORG - See counterpart. GURAMBA
- Wherever your crew or Away Team has Guramba, your opponent must have two
leaders present (or two [Def] personnel) in order to initiate a personnel battle
(unless counter-attacking). Guramba has no effect on ship battle. HEADQUARTERS
- Headquarters cards allow both players to report any compatible cards (similar
to an outpost) and to use the game text on the headquarters card. Reporting is
not restricted to the cards listed on the headquarters (such as Cardassian Guls
and Legates). In order to report a personnel by rank or title (such as
an Admiral, Gul, Chancellor etc.) for free using a headquarters' text, the Personnel
card must have one of the listed ranks or titles in its card title or lore. Thus
Alidar Jarok ("Conscientious admiral..") may report for free to the
Office of the Proconsul, but not Mendak, who is not identified in his card title
or lore as an admiral. HE WILL MAKE AN EXCELLENT DRONE - This interrupt
may play either on a Borg assimilated counterpart, such as Locutus of Borg, or
on one of your opponent's personnel that you assimilated as a counterpart. A Borg
assimilated counterpart retains all three subcommand icons and its normal attributes.
A personnel that you assimilated as a counterpart is transformed in the same way
that it would have been if originally assimilated as a drone, i.e., it retains
one subcommand icon and attributes based on its original staffing icons. In either
case, its gender, species and lore become irrelevant. See assimilation.
HIPPOCRATIC OATH - To pass this dilemma, the most CUNNING MEDICAL
personnel must be able to relocate to another planet and still have MEDICAL skill
after relocating. If he is unable to meet these conditions, the Away Team or crew
is "stopped." For example, if the most CUNNING MEDICAL is:
- a holographic personnel: he deactivates upon attempted separation from the
controlling ship. See holographic personnel.
- a Borg which has MEDICAL skill
through skill-sharing: it cannot relocate because it will lose the MEDICAL skill
when it leaves the hive.
- an OFFICER enhanced by a Medical Kit: the Medical
Kit must relocate with him.
If there is no other planet on the spaceline
where this dilemma is encountered (and Aid Fugitives is not in play), discard
the dilemma for lack of a target planet. "HIT" - See ship
battle rules. HOLOGRAPHIC PERSONNEL- While a hologram is deactivated,
it is treated as if disabled. HOMEWORLD - In gameplay terms, only
affiliations have homeworlds, as indicated in the mission lore. Because "Trill"
is not an affiliation, the mission Symbiont Diagnosis is not considered a homeworld.
Add the following homeworld to the list in the Glossary: Intelligence
Operation - "Founders' homeworld...Dominion homeworld" HQ: DEFENSIVE
MEASURES - When you have this objective in play, your opponent may attempt
one of your missions if he attempted (successfully or unsuccessfully) to seed
a copy of that mission. For example, if both you and your opponent seeded [univ]
Patrol Neutral Zone, he may attempt your copy. HQ: SECURE HOMEWORLD
- Attempting a mission with the alternate requirements of this objective is exactly
like any other mission attempt. You do not need to have the requirements in the
Away Team (i.e., you can redshirt), and you score the point value of the underlying
mission when you complete it. The mission cannot then be completed with its normal
requirements. HULL INTEGRITY - If a ship or facility (or the Borg
Ship dilemma) has its HULL integrity reduced to 0, it is destroyed. See damage
markers. *IMPERSONATE CAPTIVE - This replaces all of the Founder's
skills (both special and regular) with just the regular skills of the impersonated
captive. See skills. INFILTRATION
ICONS - Replace the first paragraph of this entry in The Dominion Rules Supplement
with the following: A personnel who has one of these icons may infiltrate
your opponent's cards by reporting to your opponent's side of the table, wherever
your opponent is allowed to report cards of that affiliation, but only if your
opponent has seeded or played any cards of that affiliation (or attempted to do
so). (Cards seeded face down by your opponent must be earned or acquired before
they will allow you to report an infiltrator of that affiliation. Multi-affiliation
cards count only for the affiliation mode(s) your opponent has actually used.)
For example, you may report Lovok Founder to your opponent's facility
if he seeded a Romulan Outpost; attempted to seed Office of the Proconsul (but
you seeded one first); played any Romulan-affiliation ships or personnel (even
if they are no longer in play); or earned Major Rakal from a Cryosatellite and
selected Romulan affiliation (or later switched her to Romulan affiliation).
Such a personnel may also report for duty normally, and may infiltrate later in
the game, during either player's turn, if present with an opponent's crew or Away
Team that is compatible with the affiliation icon. *INFILTRATORS -
A personnel who has a boldfaced, italicized "persona name" in its lore, and a
diamond-shaped infiltration icon, is an impersonator, not a true version of that
persona. An impersonator may not be exchanged for any version of that persona
and may not be substituted for a matching commander, mission requirement or dilemma
condition, cure or nullifier. See species.
The Dominion rules state that your infiltrator may control the opponent's transporters
and SHIELDS long enough to beam to, from and between your opponent's ships, outposts
etc. That includes beaming to or from planets or your own ships and facilities.
Your infiltrators may not benefit from most equipment while infiltrating; your
equipment cannot be present in your opponent's Away Team, and your opponent's
equipment benefits only their own personnel. (I.P. Scanner is an exception.)
"IN ORBIT" - A ship is "in orbit" or "orbiting a planet" when it is in
space, undocked, at a planet location. A docked ship is not considered to be "in
orbit" even if the facility is orbiting a planet. INTERCEPT MAQUIS
- See WEAPONS, using. INTRUDER ALERT! - When
this incident extends Intruder Force Field such that all intruders on your ships
"must be three or more to be effective," this means the intruders on each of your
ships (whether Rogue Borg or personnel) are disabled unless there are at least
three of them aboard that ship. INVASIVE BEAM-IN - To use this
event to beam cards through SHIELDS, the Transporter Skill personnel must remain
on the ship which has Invasive Transporters. ISSUE SECRET ORDERS -
This objective requires the owner of the ship and crew to use them to attempt
the targeted mission. The infiltrator's owner does not control the ship and crew.
See required actions. The opponent must attempt the
mission targeted by this objective "if possible." That means the mission must
be attemptable by the opponent's affiliation. For example, it must have a matching
affiliation icon or text allowing the attempt (e.g., "Any crew may attempt mission")
and must not have been made unattemptable with I Tried To Warn You. In
general, the entire crew must participate in the attempt. However, affiliated
personnel cannot be forced to beam to Qualor II Rendezous; since they would be
placed in stasis upon beamdown, it is not possible for those personnel to attempt
this mission. |