ship is considered D'deridex-class for any card that requires that class of ship,
such as Romulan Ambush, unless otherwise specified. However, Tomalak is not its
matching commander, because that status depends on an exact ship name match, not
ship class. If no Tal Shiar is aboard, its RANGE is considered reduced
for Abandon Ship! See skills vs. lore. DAMAGE
MARKERS - (This replaces the existing Glossary entry on damage.) When you
are using a Battle Bridge side deck, any damage to your opponent's ships, whether
from a "hit" in battle, dilemmas or other causes, is indicated by damage markers,
which are Tactic cards from your side deck. (See ship battle rules for details
on determining a "hit" or "direct hit" in battle.) The damage results appear at
the bottom of each Tactic card. Some damage results are immediate and have
a one-time effect (such as killing a crew member or downloading a Warp Core Breach).
Other damage results have an ongoing effect (such as reduced attributes, off-line
transporters or fluctuating shields) as long as that damage marker is in play.
Most damage markers also specify a reduction to HULL integrity. When a ship's
or facility's HULL is reduced to 0%, it is destroyed. Multiple copies of
the same damage marker are cumulative, including reductions to attributes and
HULL integrity. If you are not using a Battle Bridge side deck,
any damage to your opponent's ship is indicated by rotating the target 180 degrees
to indicate that it is damaged, with these effects: RANGE is reduced to 5 (if
it is already less than 5, it remains the same), Cloaking Device is off line and
HULL integrity is reduced by 50%. If you scored a direct hit in battle, HULL integrity
is reduced by 100% and the target is thus immediately destroyed. If a ship with
"rotation damage" is damaged again before it is repaired, the additional HULL
integrity reduction of 50% also destroys the ship. If your side deck is
ever completely out of Tactic cards (because they are all in play as damage markers),
you will be unable to further damage your opponent until some of your damage markers
return to your side deck. You may not mix damage markers and "rotation damage"
on your opponent's ship. "Off line" - When a damage result indicates
that something is "off line," the affected item may not be used in any way as
long as that damage marker is in play. Attribute enhancements being off line affects
all enhancements to the specified attribute (but ATTACK and DEFENSE bonuses are
conceptually based on battle strategies and tactics, and thus are not considered
enhancements to WEAPONS and SHIELDS). Default damage - When you
are using a Battle Bridge side deck, sometimes your opponent's ship or facility
will be damaged when you do not have a current tactic (such as when encountering
a dilemma or during a battle in which you choose not to play a current tactic).
Whenever this occurs, the default damage is two cards from your side deck, or
four cards for a direct hit. Order of damage results - In most cases,
the sequence in which you apply damage results will not matter. Once in a while,
though, the order may be significant. In these cases, carry out immediate damage
results first and check the HULL reduction last. For example, suppose the HULL
integrity of your opponent's ship has already been reduced by 80% when it is damaged
again, and the two damage markers from your side deck each specify one casualty
and HULL -30%. Normally the casualties are moot because the ship is about to be
destroyed. However, if your opponent wants to play an Escape Pod, he must suffer
both casualties first, so the Escape Pod saves only the remaining crew. Repair
- If your ship's damage is indicated by your opponent's damage markers, you may
remove one damage marker (random selection) at the end of each of your turns that
ship remains docked at an outpost or at a Docking Pylons site for the full turn.
Whenever a ship or facility is fully repaired (for example, by a card such
as Defense System Upgrade, Exocomp, Into the Breach, Regenerate or Spacedock),
remove all of its damage markers. Damage markers are also removed if the ship
or facility leaves play for any reason (for example, being returned to hand or
placed out-of-play). If your ship's damage is not indicated by your opponent's
damage markers but by card rotation instead (because he is not using a Battle
Bridge side deck), you may repair it by docking at an outpost that makes repairs
or a Docking Pylons site for two of your full turns. (Any outpost can make repairs
unless its text says it does not. A Spacedock played on an outpost allows immediate
repair of ships that dock there, even if the outpost itself does not allow repairs.)
DEANNA TROI (FIRST CONTACT) - This personnel's special skill allows
her to "unstop" her Away Team. She must be part of the "stopped" Away Team to
do so. For example, if two other personnel in her Away Team are "stopped" by Parallel
Romance, they become a separate Away Team. She may not "unstop" them because she
is not part of that Away Team. DEFAULT DAMAGE- See damage
markers. DEVIDIAN DOOR - See Reporting for
duty. "DIRECT HIT" - See ship battle rules.
DISTORTION FIELD - This event has a clarification in the Beta printing:
"Plays crosswise face up on any planet location. On each of your turns, flip card
over. While face up, prevents beam down/up here unless pattern enhancers in play."
DISTORTION OF SPACE/TIME CONTINUUM - You may not play this interrupt
on your ship during your opponent's turn. Your opponent's ship which you control
with Alien Parasites is a valid target. DOCKED SHIPS - The following
cards may not be played to target a docked ship: Asteroid Sanctuary Loss
of Orbital Stability Near-Warp Transport Temporal Rift Wormhole (on a ship as
it undocks) Temporal Wake (to force it to follow another time-traveling ship)
All other cards that target a ship may target docked ships (if applicable)
unless otherwise specified on the card. "DOES NOT WORK WITH" - "does
not work with" - (This replaces the existing Glossary entry.) A card that "does
not work with" a particular group (affiliation, species, specific skills) cannot
mix or cooperate with cards of that group in any way, in the same way that cards
of incompatible affiliations cannot work together without a treaty. For example:
- Galen has "Does not work with (Fed) affiliation" in his restriction box.
He doesn't mix with (Fed) personnel, cannot board a (Fed) ship and cannot report
to or board a (Fed) outpost or headquarters.
- Miles O'Brien "does
not work with Cardassians." He doesn't mix or cooperate with personnel of Cardassian
species or affiliation, even under treaty. If he is aboard your ship, that ship
cannot assist another of your ships in battle if it has Cardassians aboard, just
as a Non-Aligned ship with a Romulan aboard is a Romulan force and cannot assist
your Klingon ship without a treaty.
If a personnel is inadvertently
placed in a situation where he is mixing with cards that he "cannot work with,"
he will form a separate Away Team or (on your ship or facility) be placed under
house arrest, as if a treaty had been destroyed. For example, Solkar "does not
work with personnel who have Treachery." If your opponent boarded your ship and
played Reflection Therapy on one of your crew to give him Treachery, Solkar would
be placed under house arrest. You may not voluntarily place your personnel in
a house arrest situation (e.g., you may not bring Solkar aboard a ship with a
Treachery personnel aboard and place him under house arrest). "Does not
work with" restrictions that are affiliation-based are overcome by any card that
allows cards to mix "regardless of affiliation," such as Brainwash or the Ferengi
Trading Post. . DOWNLOADING - - If you attempt a download
using a resource such as your card draw (e.g., the Borg Queen's download skill)
and the download is invalid because there is no target card available, you may
not attempt to use that download again unless a downloading source is replenished
(discard pile regenerated into the draw deck) or reopened (a closed Q's Tent). When
a card allows a download and lists no destination or other restrictions (e.g.,
"Downloads two [Def] drones"), the downloaded card(s) may be downloaded to your
hand or into play. If downloaded into play, you must obey all normal requirements
for playing that card. Normal requirements include those stated in the rules and
those stated in the cards' game text. For example, a personnel must
report to a compatible facility in its native quadrant, or to another place that
allows reporting; a ship must report docked at a space facility or in orbit of
a headquarters; only specified cards may report to a site; an outpost must be
built at a location with a matching affiliation icon, with an appropriate ENGINEER
present; an [AU] card requires an open Alternate Universe Door or Space-Time Portal.
Downloading Ships, Personnel and Equipment: When a card allows a download
of a Ship, Personnel or Equipment card to a specific destination, you may not
download it to hand, but must play it at the specified destination. "Specific
destinations" include "download to here," "to this location," "to one of your
ships," "to an outpost" etc. A special download [SD] icon also implies a specific
destination for cards played at a spaceline or timeline location. See downloading
- Special Download. When the download is allowed by a card other than
a facility or site, the specific destination overrides normal reporting requirements
related to *where* you play the card (e.g., a compatible facility, appropriate
site, matching quadrant or a docking site on a Nor). It does not override any
restrictions on the downloaded card, such as an [AU] card requiring an open Alternate
Universe Door or Space-Time Portal. When the download is allowed by a facility
or site, you must obey all normal requirements. Examples:
- Wall of Ships: "Downloads any Enterprise." All normal requirements apply.
The ship must report to a compatible facility (and appropriate docking site at
a Nor) in its native quadrant (except Enterprise-C), reports docked at a space
facility, Enterprise-C requires an open Alternate Universe Door or Space-Time
Portal etc.
- Admiral Riker: "[SD] Any Enterprise (if aboard your matching facility)."
The ship may report anywhere (in space) at the location of the matching facility
Admiral Riker is aboard. A docking site is not required and it may report undocked,
in the Gamma Quadrant etc. Enterprise-C requires an appropriate doorway.
- Recruit
Mercenaries: "Downloads ... Treachery personnel ... to where you have Treachery
present." A specific destination is given, so a facility is not required, and
matching quadrant is not required even if downloaded to a facility.
- Sleeper
Trap: "may download to one site or planet here up to three different [univ] Cardassians
and one hand weapon." A specific destination is given, so the cards may be downloaded
to any one site at the location, regardless of the personnel classifications or
the normal requirement to report a hand weapon to Security Office.
- Empok Nor:
"each player may download to station any number of different compatible Site and
Equipment cards." Because a facility allows the download, you must obey the facility's
site restrictions for downloading equipment (e.g., MEDICAL-related equipment to
Downloading Facilities: When a card allows you to download
a facility to a location, you must meet all normal requirements for building (playing)
the facility, unless *specifically* overridden by the card text. These requirements
include matching affiliation icons for outposts, no outposts at homeworlds, no
other facility controlled by you at the location and any play requirements in
the facility's game text (such as the presence of an appropriate ENGINEER for
building an outpost). Examples: - Primary Supply
Depot may not be downloaded with Establish Dominion Foothold, because that outpost
may only be seeded, not built. Remote Supply Depot may be downloaded with that
objective only to a non-homeworld, [Dom] mission where you have no other facility,
and only where you have a Dominion ENGINEER.
- Subjugate Planet specifically
states that you may download Remote Supply Depot to the non-homeworld, non-[Dom]
planet mission targeted by the objective. This overrides the matching affiliation
requirement, but not the requirement for a Dominion ENGINEER.
Sites: When a card allows the download of a Site card to a facility, the site
must be allowed to exist on that facility. For example, you may not download Garak's
Tailor Shop to Empok Nor, because that site plays only on Terok Nor or DS9.
Special Download Ð A card with a special download icon allows you to suspend any
action at any time while you download the specified target card and immediately
play it. If the card is played at (or to affect something at) one particular spaceline
or timeline location, the special download icon must be at that location. (If
it is not possible to play the card according to these rules, then the target
card may not be downloaded.) For example, 10 and 01 may download Bynars Weapon
Enhancement to the table at any time, because that event is not specific to one
location. When you use a special download icon to download a hidden agenda
card, you must play that card to the table, then immediately reveal it and follow
its game text (targeting something at the location of the special download icon
if applicable). DRONES - A Borg drone has "Drone" as part of its
Identification. All personnel assimilated from the opponent are drones unless
assimilated as a counterpart. The Borg Queen and counterparts are not drones and
may not be downloaded or affected by cards that specify drones. DUAL-ICON
MISSIONS - If a dual-icon mission is attempted using alternate requirements
provided by an objective, such as Subjugate Planet, both a ship and crew and an
Away Team are still required to attempt and solve the mission. See Subjugate
Planet., Crystalline Entity. DUKAT OF BORG
- See counterpart. *ECHO PAPA 607 KILLER DRONE
- This equipment is not a hand weapon or weapon. EMERGENCY TRANSPORTER
ARMBANDS - This interrupt has errata in the Beta printing: "Beam your Personnel
up or down at any time, except during a dilemma (unless specifically permitted).
May be used during battle before the winner is determined." This interrupt
may be played "during battle before the winner is determined." For a
personnel battle, this means at any point from the initiation of the battle up
to the point of determining the winner, either before or between combat pairings.
You may not interrupt a combat pairing. For a ship battle, you may play
this interrupt to beam personnel to or from the ship after the initiation of the
battle and before the actual attack, between the attack and the return fire, or
after damage is assigned and before the ship is destroyed. EMPATHIC
ECHO - This dilemma has conditions of SECURITY and MEDICAL. If these skills
(or classifications) are present in your crew or Away Team when you encounter
the dilemma, you meet the conditions and discard the dilemma. (Empathy is a "target"
and not a condition for overcoming the dilemma.) If you do not meet the conditions,
your crew or Away Team is "stopped" and the dilemma is reseeded under the mission
to be encountered again, regardless of whether an Empath is present to be killed,
because it does not say "discard dilemma." See dilemma resolution. *EMPOK
NOR - When this station is first commandeered and flipped over, each player
may download to the station any number of different compatible Site and Equipment
cards. The commandeering player performs all of his downloads first, then the
opponent. While the downloaded cards must all be different for each player, both
players could download copies of the same card (but not the same unique site).
These downloads are all results of the action of commandeering the station. Thus,
a Computer Crash will cancel all downloads attempted at that time. Even
though this station seeds uncontrolled, for the purposes of seeding or building
other facilities there, you remain its owner. Thus, you may not seed or build
another facility at the same location. To be "related to Empok Nor" and seedable
under this station, a dilemma must have "Empok Nor" in its lore. Currently, the
dilemmas related to Empok Nor are:
Friendly Fire Garak Has Some
Issues Sleeper Trap END TRANSMISSION - Because this interrupt
is not cumulative, you may not play a second copy of it to delay again the actions
that you delayed on your previous turn. ENGAGE CLOAK - When a cloaked
ship placed on this objective is about to decloak and is returned to its former
location, it decloaks *after* it makes any of the allowed movements. No other
actions may be performed between the movements or between the last movement and
decloaking. The movements allowed for each full turn on the objective
are separate movements of up to the ship's RANGE, not one movement. For example,
a ship with RANGE 8 which stays on Engage Cloak for three full turns may make
three separate movements of up to RANGE 8 each, not a single movement of RANGE
24. A cloaked ship on this objective is not on the spaceline. It may be
targeted by any card which may normally target a cloaked ship and which does not
require the ship to be present or at the same location with anything else. For
example, it may be targeted by Tachyon Detection Grid but not by La Forge Maneuver.
If a ship is cloaked and on this objective when an Anti-Time Anomaly resolves,
killing all personnel in play, the ship may not decloak and return to the spaceline
unless a personnel can be reported aboard in some way (e.g., Devidian Door).
If the ship's original location at the time of cloaking is destroyed by a Black
Hole, upon decloaking the ship must be returned to the Black Hole location.
ERRATA - See revised game text. EVACUATION
- This mission has a clarification in the Beta printing: the requirement of
Strength should be in uppercase (STRENGTH). EVEK - See Cardassians,
Non-Aligned. EXTRADITION - The SECURITY personnel that you may
beam aboard your opponent's ship with this dilemma must be aboard your ship or
non-Nor facility with transporters at the same location. The dilemma does not
allow a download. You may not beam from a Nor or use your opponent's transporters
to beam them. FACILITIES - Facilities no
longer slide underneath a mission, but are instead placed in front of the mission
on your side of the spaceline. Whenever you have personnel or ships aboard (or
docked at) a facility, stack them on top of the appropriate site (for a Nor) or
underneath the Facility card (for any other facility). Personnel aboard a ship
docked at an outpost should be stacked underneath the Ship card, while personnel
aboard the outpost itself should be stacked between the Ship card and the outpost
card. See Showing your cards. FACILITIES, CONTROL
OF - When you seed or build a facility, it is under the control of the affiliation
whose icon is printed on the card, or under Neutral or Non-Aligned control (Neutral
and Husnock Outposts), regardless of the affiliations you are playing or treaties
in effect. (Empok Nor seeds uncontrolled.) Thus, Deep Space 9 is under Bajoran
control when you seed it, even if you are playing Federation (with or without
a treaty). As stated in the Current Rulings and the Dominion rules supplement,
"When you commandeer a Nor, its affiliation changes to match any one of the affiliated
personnel in your commandeering Away Team." It is now under the control of the
commandeering affiliation. For example, if you commandeer your opponent's Deep
Space 9 with your Romulan Away Team, its affiliation changes to Romulan, as though
it were printed on the card. (It is also flipped to the Terok Nor side, but its
affiliation is *not* Cardassian.) See commandeering,
Ore Processing Unit. FAIR PLAY - When this event is in play,
Espionage cards will not allow you to solve an opponent's unique mission. A unique
mission without a point box (e.g., Q's Planet) is not solvable by the opponent
because it does not have a point box showing at least 40 points. See point box.
Revealing this hidden agenda is a valid response to solving a mission,
a sub-action of the mission attempt. After the last seed card has been resolved,
check conditions (having a matching affiliation personnel and the mission requirements
present) for solving the mission, after which your opponent may respond by revealing
Fair Play, which prevents solving the mission. It is not a valid response to the
initiation of a mission attempt, because it does not specifically modify a mission
attempt. See timing, responses. FIRESTORM -
This dilemma has errata: "Kills all Away Team members with INTEGRITY<5 (but
Away Team may escape using Emergency Transporter Armbands). Discard dilemma."
This replaces the revised text from the Beta print run. The text referring
to Thermal Deflectors is redundant because that event specifies that it nullifies
Firestorm. FRIENDLY FIRE - Like all dilemmas with conditions, this
dilemma is discarded immediately if the conditions (2 Leadership and 2 SECURITY)
are met when encountered. It is not placed on the mission to count down. See dilemma
resolution. |