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Current Rulings are periodic updates to the Rulebook and Glossary, including rules changes, clarifications and situations not addressed in the Rulebook, Glossary or rules supplements. Current Rulings are the official supplement to the Rulebook and should be used by tournament directors in making tournament rulings.

Answers given by official Decipher representatives are not official until included in a Current Rulings document. Such answers are highly recommended for use by tournament directors, but the TD always has the final authority on rulings.

This document contains all Current Rulings issued since the 12/7/98 Rulebook and Glossary (which includes all prior FAQs and Current Rulings). Entries that are new or changed since the last Current Rulings document (7/26/99) are marked with an asterisk (*) before the topic. A complete set of Star Trek Customizable Card Game rules consists of:

Rule Booklet (12/7/98)
Rule Booklet Glossary (12/7/98)
Current Rulings (8/30/99)
Enhanced First Contact Rules Notes (1/13/99)
The Dominion Rules Supplement (1/20/99)

NOTE: Cross-references that have no corresponding entries in the Current Rulings refer to entries in the Glossary. Entries are arranged alphabetically, ignoring punctuation symbols. Entries for specific cards are sorted according to exact card title (e.g., the entry for The Emissary is in the T's, not the E's). Borg drones are listed by their designations (e.g., Interlink Drone, not Nine of Eleven), except for Seven of Nine. Text in square brackets represents an icon. Most icon designations are listed below.


[AU] Alternate Universe
[BO] Borg use only
[C] Command
[Com] Communication subcommand (blue icon)
[Def] Defense subcommand (red icon)
[DQ] Delta Quadrant
[EE] U.S.S. Enterprise-E
[GQ] Gamma Quadrant
[H] Holographic re-creation
[HA] Hidden Agenda
[KW] Ketracel-White
[M] Maquis
[Nav] Navigation subcommand (green icon)
[Nem] Nemesis
[OCD] Optical Compact Disk
[P] Planet
[Q] Q-Continuum
[R] Referee
[S] Space
[S/P] Space/Planet
[SD] Special download
[ST] Staff
[univ] Universal
{3} Countdown box
[35] Point box

Affiliation Icons

[Baj] Bajoran
[Borg] Borg
[Car] Cardassian
[Dom] Dominion
[Fed] Federation
[Fer] Ferengi
[Klg] Klingon
[NA] Non-Aligned
[Neu] Neutral
[Rom] Romulan

Infiltrator Icons

<Baj> Bajoran
<Car> Cardassian
<Dom> Dominion
<Fed> Federation
<Fer> Ferengi
<Klg> Klingon
<Rom> Romulan


Several earlier formal and informal rulings have been changed or clarified to enhance gameplay and for better consistency. For details, see the following listings (entries marked with an asterisk have been added or revised since the previous Current Rulings):

ACTIONS, "JUST": Definition and timing of "just" actions.

AJUR AND BORATUS: Reversed the ruling on not shuffling the seed cards to make the random selection. You are now required to shuffle. Must be more than three seed cards at a mission to use their skill.

ASSIMILATION: A counterpart retains gender, species and other lore information for Borg-related cards only.

*ATTRIBUTE MODIFIERS: Reversed ruling: You must now add and subtract before multiplying modifiers.

BAJORAN INTERCEPTOR: Once-per-turn landing/takeoff allowance is in addition to any allowed by other cards.

BATTLE, SHIP: A matching personnel is required aboard a ship to fire WEAPONS, even in retaliation.

*BLAZE OF GLORY: All information from the Blaze of Glory Rules Supplement has been incorporated into these Current Rulings, including full revised ship battle rules to replace the section in the full Rulebook (the Rules Supplement contains only the changes to the old rules).

BORG - OBJECTIVES: Borg may now have non-[BO] objectives in addition to their [BO] current objective.

BORG OUTPOST: May be built at an assimilated homeworld.

CLOAKED SHIP: Clarification of probing from a cloaked ship. Cloaked ship may not scout a mission. Cards may report to a cloaked ship.

COMMANDEERING: An all Non-Aligned Away Team may commandeer a Nor, but its affiliation does not change. Borg may not commandeer a Nor. They may only assimilate.

CRYOSATELLITE: If multiple personas or counterparts are acquired from a Cryosatellite, all but the first are discarded.

DISTORTION OF SPACE/TIME CONTINUUM: May not be played on your ship during your opponent's turn.

DOCKED SHIPS: Six listed interrupts may no longer be played on a docked ship.

DOWNLOADING: Clarification of special download rules. Clarification of requirements for playing downloaded cards.

*ECHO PAPA 607 KILLER DRONE: It is not considered a hand weapon or weapon.

*EMPOK NOR: Computer Crash cancels all downloads performed when it is commandeered.

FACILITIES: Personnel lines are eliminated. Cards stack on top of sites or under other facilities.

FACILITIES, CONTROL OF: Clarification of "controlling affiliation" for a facility.

FAIR PLAY: First paragraph corrected (prevents solving a mission, not attempting it).

GENDER: If not otherwise indicated, personnel are male.

INFILTRATION ICONS: You may no longer report an infiltrator to the opponent's side of the table unless the opponent has seeded or played cards of the affiliation matching the infiltration icon. Infiltration after reporting normally is unaffected.

*INFILTRATORS: Do not benefit from most equipment while infiltrating.

KETRACEL-WHITE: A "stopped" Vorta may ration Ketracel-White.

LAUNCH PORTAL: Engage Shuttle Operations is not required to use launching text.

LORE'S FINGERNAIL: Allows androids to report as Non-Aligned.

MISSION-SOLVING, TIMING: Mission points are scored before artifacts are acquired.

*MARTOK: Revised game text: His special download of "D'k Tagh" should read "D'k Tahg." misseeds: You may not solve a mission (or complete an objective targeting a mission) if you encounter your own misseeded card there. persona replacement: You may replace a persona only once at the start of a turn.

OUT-OF-PLAY: Any card placed out-of-play must be shown to your opponent first.

OUTSIDE THE GAME: Cards added from outside the game must be removed from your deck at the end of the game.

PATROL NEUTRAL ZONE: A cloaked ship will no longer prevent solving the mission.

PRESENT: "Stopped" cards are now "present" or "aboard" except for mission, scouting or commandeering attempts and staffing ships.

REPORTING FOR DUTY: Cards may report to any quadrant when allowed by a card other than a facility (even if they report aboard a facility). A card may be reported by "Devidian Door" to a site on a Nor without a docking site.

REVISED GAME TEXT: All cards with clarifications or errata are listed for reference. (Also, entries with revised text are provided for several Beta revisions and other cards not previously listed in the Glossary.) Delete Senior Staff Meeting from list.

RESPONSES: Interrupts that "prevent" an action may be used as a response.

REVISED GAME TEXT: All cards with clarifications or errata are listed for reference. (Also, entries with revised text are provided for several Beta revisions and other cards not previously listed in the Glossary.)

*SCANNER INTERFERENCE: Errata: Addition of the words "into play" to the final sentence of the card.

SEEDING DUPLICATE CARDS: Seed cards are now "unique per mission."

SENIOR STAFF MEETING: Errata in glossary changed to a clarification of timing.

SHOWING YOUR CARDS: You may no longer look through your opponent's personnel while they are aboard a facility.

"STOPPED": "Stopped" cards may not be beamed, move, walk, cloak, initiate a battle, staff a ship or participate in a mission, commandeering or scouting attempt. They may now perform other actions and use skills as appropriate.

TERRAFORMING STATION: Redefinition from outside a tournament cannot affect a tournament match.

THE WALLS HAVE EARS: May be played for points with Rogue Borg as the intruder.

THINE OWN SELF: Revised text: plays on an Away Team on a planet (unless in a facility).

TIMING: Clarification of start-of-turn and end-of-turn action timing.

TOURNAMENT SCORING: Clarification of differential scoring for negative final scores.

*ZON: Revised game text. His special skill should read: "May nullify Nausicaans dilemma where present."















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