The Current Rulings are periodic rules updates that come directly from real play
situations not currently addressed by the FAQ. Each set of current rulings will be listed
below beneath the date of its addition to the page.
Can an outpost be "stopped"? Does a dilemma stop a ship, or just the crew?
Yes. When the crew on board a ship or outpost attempts a space mission and is "stopped" by a dilemma, the ship or outpost is also stopped. A stopped ship or outpost (and the crew aboard it) cannot attempt a mission.
So, if you have a ship and an outpost at the same location, you could beam personnel back and forth as desired, then attempt from the outpost. If they are stopped, then you could attempt from the ship. If it is stopped, then you would need to bring another ship to that location to attempt the mission again that turn.
Does Frame of Mind affect a ship's crew? It does refer to "Away Team."
Some "either" dilemmas, such as Thought Fire, Frame of Mind, and Chinese Finger Puzzle, incorrectly refer either to a ship's crew or to an Away Team. These cards should apply to the personnel attempting the mission regardless of whether they are located on a ship or a planet. Treat such cards as if they said "crew or Away Team."
What "turns" does the Time Travel Pod refer to?
It should refer to "full turns (of the player the Pod is played on)." As with all cards that don't specify otherwise, it refers to the full turns of the player the card is played upon.
Do you need a treaty for Gi'ral to work with Tokath and create a Colony?
Yes. They must be present in the same Away Team, and they cannot be in the same Away Team unless there is a treaty.
What exactly can Lal and K'chiQ select?
When a card such as Lal or Frame of Mind requires you to select two or more skills, you may not pick the same skill twice, and if double or triple skills (such as Diplomacy x2) are present, you may only pick that skill at a x1 level. Thus, if Jean-Luc Picard and Sarek were present when Lal was reported, she could gain any two of the following skills: Diplomacy, Leadership, Honor, Navigation, Archaeology, Music, or Mindmeld. She could not choose Diplomacy twice, nor could she choose Sarek's Diplomacy x3 as one skill.
Similarly, K'chiQ can only pick single regular skills, not double skills such as Diplomacy x2.
What about Mindmeld?
Mindmeld is a different case from Lal and K'chiQ. With Mindmeld, you add all (regular) skills on the other personnel's card, including multiples. For example, if Sarek (Diplomacy x3) Mindmelded with Picard (Diplomacy x2), Sarek would have Diplomacy x5.
Do personnel need to be present to use Equipment?
Equipment can work by itself (with no personnel present), but it will rarely be useful in this fashion. An Engineering Kit is useless without personnel to enhance; an Echo Papa 607 Killer Drone is also useless, as there are no provisions for "Away Team versus Equipment" battles. On the other hand, the Orb of Prophecy and Change would work unattended, and a Plasmadyne Relay would add to the SHIELDS of an empty ship.
What can I do when I play Distortion of Space/Time Continuum?
When this card is played on a ship, Away Team, or ship/Away Team pair, the ship gets its full RANGE back and if any of the affected cards (ship and Away Team) were "stopped," they are "unstopped."
After playing a Q's Tent, can I get my card draw from the Traveler, Kivas Fajo, etc.?
After you play a Q's Tent, you may not draw any more cards for the remainder of the turn, by any means. This includes Kivas Fajo -- Collector, Masaka Transformations, and the card draws granted by the Traveler.
Can I play a Q's Tent if my Tent is empty? I want to play the card so that I can put it on top of my draw deck and not run out my draw deck.
No, you must have at least one card in your Tent.
Can I Wormhole a ship onto a Borg Ship?
A Wormhole plays "as a ship begins to move." Thus, a ship wormholed onto a Borg Ship never actually stops at the Borg Ship's location and can continue to move, away from the Borg Ship (RANGE and Q-Nets permitting, of course).
What does it mean for the Edo Vessel to be "attacked"? Is this any time weapons are fired at the Edo Vessel (as in retaliation from a ship the Edo Vessel has attacked) or just if the Edo Vessel is attacked (the battle is initiated by another ship)?
Only if the Edo Vessel is attacked by another ship (the battle is initiated by another ship) do you get to flip the coin to determine if the attack is nullified. Retaliation is not considered an "attack," it's just part of the current battle.